1.跳绳的英语怎么写rope skipping
1. 双语例句:
①其中包括从跳绳到体育三项全能的45种运动 。
It includes 45 types of activities from rope skipping to the triathlon.
②不过,对我们很多人来说,这种炖菜和万圣节和跳绳一样,是我们童年的一部分 。Nevertheless, for many of us, these casseroles are as much a part of childhood as Halloweenand jump rope.
③除具有明显的有氧运动的特点外,跳绳还可以提高身体的协调性、灵敏性、快速反应能力和耐力 。一根跳绳只要5美元或者更少(有些珠状的跳绳重量是普通绳子的2倍,价格也较贵,10美元到40美元不等) 。
Aside from the obvious cardio benefits, jumping rope can help develop coordination, agility, quickness and endurance for $5 or less (some double-weight beaded ropes can cost $10 to $40).
④如果需要更大强度的锻炼,可以试试腕部、踝部负重走,或者跳跳绳 。
If you want more intensity, add wrist or ankle weights and stop to jump rope.
2. 短语:
跳绳歌谣 Rope Rhyme
摇跳绳 Rock skipping ; Rocker rope skipping ; skipping rope
仿真跳绳 Real Jump rope
黄金跳绳 Golden Skipping Rope
跳绳类 Jump Rope
魔性跳绳 Jump Doper
【跳绳英文怎么写呀】计时跳绳 TIMER JUMP ROPE
跳绳轨道 Skipping orbits
小熊跳绳 Jump the Rope
2.跳绳的英语怎么写rope skipping 知识延展 双语例句: ①其中包括从跳绳到体育三项全能的45种运动 。
It includes 45 types of activities from rope skipping to the triathlon. ②不过,对我们很多人来说,这种炖菜和万圣节和跳绳一样,是我们童年的一部分 。Nevertheless, for many of us, these casseroles are as much a part of childhood as Halloweenand jump rope. ③除具有明显的有氧运动的特点外,跳绳还可以提高身体的协调性、灵敏性、快速反应能力和耐力 。
一根跳绳只要5美元或者更少(有些珠状的跳绳重量是普通绳子的2倍,价格也较贵,10美元到40美元不等) 。Aside from the obvious cardio benefits, jumping rope can help develop coordination, agility, quickness and endurance for $5 or less (some double-weight beaded ropes can cost $10 to $40). ④如果需要更大强度的锻炼,可以试试腕部、踝部负重走,或者跳跳绳 。
If you want more intensity, add wrist or ankle weights and stop to jump rope. 短语: 跳绳歌谣 Rope Rhyme 摇跳绳 Rock skipping ; Rocker rope skipping ; skipping rope 仿真跳绳 Real Jump rope 黄金跳绳 Golden Skipping Rope 跳绳类 Jump Rope 魔性跳绳 Jump Doper 计时跳绳 TIMER JUMP ROPE 跳绳轨道 Skipping orbits 小熊跳绳 Jump the Rope 。
3.跳绳英文简介四句1、跳绳,是一人或众人在一根环摆的绳中,做各种跳跃动作的运动游戏 。
2、跳绳,作为一种古老的汉族民俗娱乐活动,自南宋以来,百姓每逢佳节都要搞跳绳比赛 。
3、跳绳是一项极佳的健体运动,能有效训练个人的反应和耐力,有助保持个人体态 。
4、跳绳花样繁多,可简可繁,随时可做,很容易学会,成为现今在全世界流行的健身方法 。
Jump rope, it is a person or place in the line of the people in a ring, all jumps of sports games.
Jump rope, as a kind of ancient han nationality folk entertainment, since the southern song dynasty, people have to skip the game every holiday season.
Rope skipping is a excellent fitness sport, can effective training reaction and endurance of the individual, will help keep your posture.
Jump rope varied, but Jane is numerous, can be done at any time, it is easy to learn, become the popular exercise method in the whole world.