
1.人与动物的英语作文英语作文 人与动物(The man and animals)
As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, it's quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of .
2.写一篇关于人与动物之间的关系的英语作文1.丹顶鹤是非常漂亮的动物,大概1.2米高 。
2.白色羽毛,红色的冠,细长的脖子和腿 。
3.喜欢群居,吃鱼、昆虫和水生植物 。
4.但水污染严重,将没有食物吃,没有地方生存 。
5.必须采取措施保护这些稀罕动物 。
I'd like to introduce something about red-crowned cranes to you. They are very beautiful animals. They are about 1.2 meters tall. They have white feathers and red crowns. Their necks and legs are long and thin. They like living together. They are good at dancing and flying. They eat fish, insects and water plants. But there is much water pollution, they will have no food to eat and nowhere to live. We must take actions to protect these rare animals.
3.怎么写一篇人与动物和谐相处的英语作文In the morning, the sun was showing little half of the face, like shy little girl. "An auf" puppy huanhuan get up, he is like a clock on time every day, and it was not yet light is called to get up.
【英语人与动物怎么写】I get out of bed, first and went upstairs, stretch your legs, curved waist, do morning exercises. At this time the dog huanhuan run to come up, with the first Dally my feet, and a voice from hem, needless to say, it is to eat breakfast. I come out to a handful rice bowl and haven't come yet and put soup put food, the little ChanMao but have already eat it, and now and then the hum and called on two sound, like in the said: "thank you, little master!"
In the afternoon, the sun is shining, the breeze was blowing gently trees by the side of the road. I'm bored to stay at home, he found that the lateral lying on the ground of the sleeping late ?
4.英语作文:人与动物之间的关系怎么写朋友家有一只猫咪,金黄的皮毛,见了人总是怯怯的,一双大眼睛闪烁着拘谨与不安.朋友把它从地上抱起,向我讲起了它离奇的身世.小区附近有一只野猫,朋友曾好几次见到它在阴暗的角落里出没.野猫也有爱情,爱情的结晶是七只猫仔.野猫妈妈无力抚养这么多后代,它自己过的也是饥一顿饱一顿 的生活.小猫断奶之后,它把小猫衔起来,放到小区住户的门口,然后在暗处躲起来等待,一直等到这户人家发现了小猫.即使小猫被高高兴兴地抱进家里,野猫妈妈也并不立即离去,它要在外面多耽一会儿,直到确认小猫已被这个家庭收纳,才回窝里去衔下一只.听说有几户抱回小猫的是小孩子,不到五分钟后小猫就被家里的大人扔了出来,这时野猫妈妈会衔起它到另外一家去碰运气.最后有只小黑猫始终无人接纳,也许它颜色不够吉祥,也许是小区的宠物已趋饱和,总之是野猫妈妈自己抚养了它.朋友点点怀里猫咪的鼻子说:“还记得你妈妈吗?你妈妈不要你了.你想妈妈不?”猫咪“喵呜”地叫了一声作为回答.朋友讲完了小猫的故事,我陷入良久的沉思.野猫从来都为人所憎恶,它们在夜色中出没,身上沾满污秽,犹如撒旦的使徒.我曾耳闻目睹许多人类迫害野猫的事件,其中不乏令人发指的残忍.反过来,在野猫眼中,人类也当是它们的头号天敌,你很难接近一只野猫五米之内,它们闻到人声会立即远遁.那为什么野猫妈妈甘冒大险,将自己的亲生骨肉交到人类手里呢?我想,这只野猫妈妈一定是家猫出身,它也曾享受过家庭的温暖,主人的爱怜,它了解人类,深知幼小的猫咪对大多数人都有一种强烈的诱惑. 。