
1.诱使某人做某事用英语怎么说entrap / tempt / trap/lead / entice sb into doing 。; lead / entice sb to do 。
He claimed the government had entrapped him into doing something that he wouldnot have done otherwise. 他声称政府诱使他做了他本不会做的事 。
Reducing the income will further impoverish these families and could tempt anoffender into further crime.降低收入只会使这些家庭更加贫穷 , 而且可能诱使不法分子进一步犯罪 。
Were you just trying to trap her into making some admission?你刚才是想诱使她供认吗?
He was her evil genius, leading her into a life of crime against her will.他是附在她身上的恶魔 , 诱使她违心地走上犯罪的道路 。
【违心英文怎么写】Advertisements are designed to entice people into spending money ( to spend money). 广告宣传的目的是诱使人花钱 。
You led me to believe that you were a person of good character.你诱使我相信你是个有好品格的人 。
2.这是段英语什么意思in fact. i have a lot of things to tell you. i think you will want to hare it.
but now..i do not how can i say anything with you. do you know. you let me feel
sad.. i said anyhing that not my heart.. can you know my mean..
具体来说 , 本文错误很多 , 我猜是不是你女朋友写给你的啊?你们闹矛盾啦?有冒犯之处请见谅!
in fact,in要大写 , 本文很多地方都没有大写 。
i think you will want to hare it.中的hare应该是hear,
i do not how can i say anything with you这一句错误更多!句子结构就错了!主句都没有谓语动词不成句子 。而且从句的语序也应该是陈述语序 。
i said anyhing that not my heart这一句也是错的离谱 , 那个that引导的什么句子啊!连个谓动词都没有 , can you know my mean也是语法错误 , mean是动词 meaning才是名词“意思”这一句应该说:Can you know what I mean?或者Can you know my meaning?
不好意思补充一下 , 我是高中英语老师 , 所以忍不住就分析了句子结构 , 如果让你感到不舒服 很抱歉!我只是想说明一下大家都看不明白的原因!不过大家基本上把意思也翻译出来了!我个人认为“可爱妹妹”翻译的最好!

