
1.独角兽英文、法文、德文、日文的写法及读法Unicorns即是独角兽,是传说中一种神秘的生物 。
通常被形容为是修长的白马,额前有一螺旋角(这也是独角兽的特征) 。关于unicorns的形态有很多不同的说法 。
有的说它像一匹大马,头上有一只角,是难以驯服的生物 。有些人则认为它是山羊般的生物,独角,神圣的生物,有些民族甚至信奉unicorns 。
古罗马博物学家普利斯形容unicorns为四肢似大象,狮子尾,上半身像山羊,头上有一黑螺旋纹的角,是极凶猛的怪兽 。到了380BC,有一希腊哲学家Ctessias对unicorns作出一种普遍形态 。
他说unicorns是印度一种野生生物,有白色的身体,紫色的头,蓝眼,一只又直又硬的角,底白,中黑,顶部是红色 。这有可能是把独角仙神化后所形成(独角仙也叫unicorn) 。
近代的说法包含了不同地方民族的幻想而成,由最初类似山羊的生物显变成纯洁而美丽的野兽 。它可以化成不同的大小和颜色,由象牙般纯白或黑檀深黑甚至彩虹的颜色,逃过猎人的追捕 。
有时还像般飞马有翼 。不过,unicorn的基本概念却没变,就是代表高贵,高傲和纯洁,当然还有它额前的长角 。
其实不同的说法在于每个地方文化不同 。在日本和中国就称之为麒麟,是"四灵"之一 。
"Unicorn"源自于希伯来文"re'em,早期古老翻译为"monokeros",意解"独 角",后来转成英语"unicorn"了 。
2.帮我爸芭比之魔幻飞马之旅的主题曲用英文写出来Hope Has Wings歌手: Brie Larson专辑:Finally Out of P.E.作曲:Cheah, Hudnut, Powers 歌词 :when I'm stuck on the ground there's no up, only down every step sends me falling not sure how to begin how to rise like the wind So soon I'll be soaring I just breathe and let myself believe because hope has wings to carry you anything is possible just might be a miracle waiting to come true so I lift my eyes and see the sky feel my heart begin to fly I will be carried by my drams because hope has wings I could climb thru the clouds far away form the doubt that was be so amazing feel the sun on my face such a beautiful place yeah, I know that it's waiting skating safe encouraging with faith because hope has wings to carry you anything is possible just might be a miracle waiting to come true so I lift my eyes and see the sky feel my heart begin to fly I will be carried by my dreams like a flame, like a spark I'm amazed by the change there's a star in the dark calling out my name follow me, I can see now I'm on my way (now I'm on my way) because hope has wings (hope has wings) to carry you anything is possible just might be a miracle waiting to come true (come true) so I lift my eyes and see the sky feel my heart begin to fly I will be carried by my dreams (by my dreams) I have a new hope that lives in me anywhere I go it sets me free it shines a light, its everywhere from north to south, it takes me there I have a new hope that lives in me anywhere I go it sets me free it shines a light, its everywhere from north to south, it takes me there 。
Ruan,Wenqi 或 Ruan,Wen Qi (姓氏如果在前会以逗号做区别)
Wenqi Ruan 或 Wen Qi Ruan (名在前则无逗号做区别)