
1.七星瓢虫用English怎么写ladybug [`leidib∧g] n.(名词) Any of numerous small, rounded, usually brightly colored beetles of the family Coccinellidae, often reddish with black spots and feeding primarily on insect pests, such as scale insects and aphids.Also called lady beetle ,ladybird 瓢虫:任一种小而圆的通常具有鲜艳色彩的瓢虫科的甲虫,体常呈红色并带有黑色斑点,主要以介壳虫和蚜虫等害虫为食也作 lady beetle,ladybird 。
2.七星瓢虫用English怎么写【五星瓢虫英语怎么写】ladybug[`leidib∧g]n.(名词)Any of numerous small, rounded, usually brightly colored beetles of the family Coccinellidae, often reddish with black spots and feeding primarily on insect pests, such as scale insects and aphids.Also called lady beetle ,ladybird 瓢虫:任一种小而圆的通常具有鲜艳色彩的瓢虫科的甲虫,体常呈红色并带有黑色斑点,主要以介壳虫和蚜虫等害虫为食也作 lady beetle,ladybird 。

