
1.如何写responseDear editor,Thank you for your useful comments and suggestions on the language and the structure of our manuscript. We have modified the manuscript accordingly, and the detailed corrections are listed below point by point: 1) In its current state, the level of English throughout your manuscript does not meet the journal's desired standard. There are a number of grammatical errors and instances of badly worded/constructed sentences. Please check the manuscript and refine the language carefully.We revised the whole manuscript carefully to avoid language errors. In addition, the revised and reformulated manuscript has been polished by senior scientist and English teacher. We believe that the language is now acceptable for the review process.2) Reference style should be as per journal style given in the Guide for Authors. Citations of references in the text should be indicated by the author name together with the year of publication. References should be listed alphabetically by author's name in the references list. Please submit each individual reference separately. JMPT no longer accepts the use of references cited in lists. Each one of the cited sources must be discussed individually and explicitly to demonstrate their significance to your study. You are required to use the referenced authors' surnames, and then state in one or two sentences what they claim, what evidence they provide to support their claim, and how you evaluate their work. Reference style has been revised according to the Guide for Authors. We believe that the reference style is now acceptable for the review process3) All figures put at the end of the manuscript should be labeled with their names (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2 etc).This has been revised in the manuscript. The figures have been put in the paper.4) Number the pages consecutively.This has been revised correctly.The manuscript has been resubmitted to your journal. We look forward to your positive response.Name每个期刊要求不太一样的,有些期刊要按照他的格式来写,但最好按照编辑或审稿人的问题一条一条的回答 。
2.Reflection Essay怎么写Reflective Essay简单来说就是反映你的见解,观点和观察,更重要的是要表达自己的观点 。
首先,你需要知道什么是Reflective Essay,它应该是什么样的 。这会对写好一篇Reflective Essay有很大的帮助 。Reflective essay作业通常是关于你个人的观点和见解,与学术论文不同,它可以出现第一人称(如: “I”,“my”,“Our”等),也相对来说比较简单,同学们只需要清楚的表达自己的想法 。
文章的正文中除了总体的介绍和描述主题subject以外,还需要有Judgment和结论,这个部分通常是在文章的后半部分,但是也是非常重要的部分 。在这个部分,需要说明你个人的观点和见解,这样会使你的文章更加独特性,并和其他文章有所不同 。
反思报告(Reflective Essay)简单的来说就是反映你的见解,观点和观察 。你可以使用引用,但是反思报告不仅仅是引用别人的观点,更重要的是要表达自己的观点 。
对以往经验的反思 (Experiential Reflective Essay):
在一些热门的专业里,像商科,护理和教育,反思报告是连接理论和实践的重要部分 。当你被要求反思以往的经历时,不要仅仅只是描述它,而是要结合课程的idea或理论,深入的讨论评估它 。你可以基于课程的理论和方法,用专业的技能去评估一个现象,从而提升自己的知识和技能 。反思报告是给你一个机会去思考,反思你的选择和行动 。
阅读后的反思 (Reading Reflective Essay):
很多课程会要求同学们写阅读反思,一方面的为了平衡评分机制,也是为了鼓励同学们在阅读后多进行思考 。通常情况下,导师会提示同学们,什么是他们需要反思的 。反思的目的是为了让同学们构建并发表自己的观点 。