
1.《神笔马良》英文翻译Once upon a time there lived a boy named Maliang in a small village.He was a very good boy, but he lost his parents when he was eight.He was poor and his life was hard. 从前,在小村庄里有个孩子叫马良 。
他的父母在他8岁时候就死了,他一个人过着贫苦的日子 。He liked painting ,but he didn't have a paintbrush. He never lost his heart, he practiced painting with a stick,he painted swimming fish on a rock, he painted birds on the ground. 马良从小就喜欢画画,可是,他穷得连一支笔也买不起 。
他没有灰心,他每天用心苦练 。到山上打柴时,就折一根树枝,在沙地上学着画飞鸟 。
到河边割草时,就用草根蘸着河水,在石头上学着描游鱼 。? Afterwards he had a paintbrush, it was magic.He painted a bird on the wall, then the bird flew away.Maliang was a good boy, he helped people with his magic paintbrush. There was an old woman, she didn't have food. Maliang painted food, then the food was real.后来,他得到了一支神笔 。
当他在墙上画一只鸟时,鸟会飞走 。马良是个好孩子,用自己的神笔帮助穷人 。
一个老奶奶没有食物吃,马良画了一些食物,食物变成真的了 。?A?bad?man?knew?it.?He?was?greedy?and?never?helped?people.? 一个坏人知道了此事,他很贪婪,从来不帮助别人 。
He?took?Maliang's?paintebrush?and?painted?gold.?But?it?didn't?make?gold,?it?made?a?snake. 他拿走了马良的画笔,画金子,但是没有变成金子,变成了蛇 。The?bad?man?was?angry,.?The?magic?paintbrush?din't?help?him,?it?only?helped?Maliang. So?he?took?Maliang?away.?? 坏人生气了,神笔不受他控制,神笔只有马良画画才行,因此,他把马良带走了 。
“I?want?lots?and?lots?of?gold”?said?the?bad?man,“You?paint?it!”? “我想要许多许多金子 。”?坏人说,“你赶紧画!” So?Maliang?painted?a?gold?hill?in?the?sea?and?a?big?ship?for?the?bad?man.?The?ship?was?real.Then?the?bad?man?went?to?sea?in?his?ship.? 马良画了在海里的一座金山,又画了一艘大船给坏人,坏人上船出海了 。
Maliang?painted?strong?wind?on?the?sea,there?came?a?storm?and?the?bad?man?didn't?come?back.? 马良画了暴风在海上,让坏人无法回来了 。From?then?on,?Maliang?helped?the?poor?villagers?with?his?magic?paintbrush?and?they?lived?happily.从此,马良用神笔帮助穷人,他们幸福的生活 。
扩展资料:神笔马良的故事讲述了贫苦人家的孩子马良没有画笔但坚持刻苦画画,后来得到一支神奇的画笔,去帮助有需要的人,遇到坏人后历经坎坷,用画笔战胜邪恶,乐于帮助穷苦人民的故事 。表达了我国劳动人民对美好生活和事物的向往和追求 。
参考资料:百度百科——神笔马良 。
2.神笔马良英文小故事翻译加音标神笔马良英文小故事翻译加音标 《神笔马良》是二十世纪五十年代的中国影响最大的儿童文学作品,讲了神笔马良用他的神笔扶贫济困,惩强除恶的故事 。
神笔马良是浦江籍童话大师洪汛涛创作的文学形象,马良已经成为中国儿童智慧、勇敢和正义的化身 。
MaLiang and His Magical Writing Brush 神笔马良的故事 There was once a boy called MaLiang. His family was very poor, so poor that he couldn't afford a writing brush. One day on his way home after herding the cattle, he passed by a private school. He saw a painter was painting for an officer. MaLiang lost himself and he walked quickly . He said to the officer, “Could you give me one writing brush to draw pictures?” The officer and the painter laughed at him and drove him out. 从前,有个男孩子叫马良,马良的家非常的穷,穷得连一只笔都买不起 。一天他放羊回家,经过一个私塾,他看见一个花匠在给官员画画,马良失神的很快走进去了,他跟师傅说:“你能借一支笔给我画画吗?”官人和画家嘲笑了他还把他赶了出去 。