
1.急[中文]泰山 , 通常指我国的五岳之首 , 又称东岳 , 泰山位于山东省中部 , 自然景观雄伟高大 , 有数千年精神文化的渗透和渲染以及人文景观的烘托 , 著名风景名胜有天柱峰、日观峰、百丈崖、仙人桥、五大夫松、望人松、龙潭飞瀑、云桥飞瀑、三潭飞瀑等 。泰山于1987年被列入世界自然文化遗产名录 。另外 , 泰山还有岳父的意思 。
[英语]Taishan, usually refers to the Five Sacred Mountains in China first, also known as Dongyue, Mount Taishan in Shandong Province is located in the middle of the tall magnificent natural landscape, the infiltration of thousands of years of spiritual culture and rendering as well as the cultural landscape of contrast, a famous scenic spots are Tianzhu Feng, Japanese concept of Feng, Bai Zhangya, fairy bridge, five Gustafsson, hope people loose, Longtan Waterfall, Cloud Bridge, waterfalls, waterfalls, etc. Santan. Mount Taishan in 1987 was included in the World Natural Heritage List. In addition, there Taishan father meant.

