
1.read的过去式怎么写,请问read的过去式还是read,只是读音不一样而已 。
read 英[ri:d] 美[ri:d]
vt. 阅读,朗读; 显示; 研究; 看得懂;
vt. 阅读; 显示; 读懂,理解;
n. 阅读; 读书; 读物; 里德(人名);
read in [计]读入
read and write 读和写;直读式记录
read english 读英语
read about 阅读而知
read books 阅读,读书
1.You can read this book in one sitting.
你可以坐着一气把这本书读完 。
2.I told him how i had read in the papers.
我告诉他我是在报上看见的 。
3.The blacksmith was there reading the notice.
那个铁匠在那儿看广告 。
【laugh的过去式怎么写】4.She can not see to read without her glasses.
她不戴眼镜就看不见字 。
5.She read a few lines and dropped the volume.
她读了几行,合上书本 。
2.stay try add burn email climb visit wait hate listen laugh的过去式和过去过去 stayed tried added burned/burnt emailed climbed visited waited hated listened laughed
过分 stayed tried added burned/burnt emailed climbed visited waited hated listened laughed
其实英语经过几次改革不规则的过去式和过去分词已经很少了,很多不规则的都变规则了(如burn,所以建议多使用burned) 。英语在不断地国际化和简化!所以有不知道的过去式和过去分词大多直接加-ed,少数有专门的不规则表 。还有不要随便双写t、d,除非重音在最后一个音节 。

