护士英语简历怎么写( 三 )

6.求一份护士面试的英语自我介绍Hello, my name is ***, and I am very happy to be here in order to get a job as nurse. Being a nurse has been my dream for a long time. Everytime I see the nurses at the hospitals helping patients, it makes me want to help people, too. I got my degree at *** college. Through 3 years of intensified training, I have finally become a person ready to nursing. I finished my internship at *** Hospital. The experience there really helped me to enhance my ability. I learned how to deal with people, in the nicest way possible. So now, I am ready to be a professional nurse and learn to become a skilled nurse. I really hope this hospital will give me this opportunity. Thank you 。
7.护理专业简历怎么写最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员 , 可在文库查看完整内容>
护士应聘个人简历怎么写【导语】成功的简历就是一件营销武器 , 它向未来的雇主证明自己能够解决他的问题或者满足他的特定需要 , 因此确保能够得到会使自己成功的面试 。以下是整理的护士应聘个人简历 , 仅供参考!篇一姓名:性别:女出生年月:1986-10-2民族:汉族学历:大专现居住地:湖南省-长沙市工作年限:一年到岗时间:两个星期联系电话:0311-86666666求职意向应聘类型:全职应聘职位:护士·护理人员 , 医疗管理人员 , 医药代表期望工作地区:长沙市期*薪:面议自我评价1、在学校通过为期一个月的培训已获得了全科护士证2、通过全国英语四级考试 , 获得英语四级证3、在省三甲医院河北北方学院附属第一医院为期8个月的临床实习 , 轮转科室有妇产科、呼吸内科、神经内科、泌尿外科、急诊、icu、手术室等科室 , 已具备较为扎实的专业基础知识和临床经验 , 整体素质有了提高 。培养了敏锐的观察力、正确的判断力、独立完成工作的能力 , 以及严谨踏实的工作态度 。学会用细心爱心耐心责任心对待患者 , 适应了整体护理的发展需要 。*为人:诚实、热情大方、开朗、乐观进取学习:认真、踏实、勇于创新工作:较强的管理组织能力 , 勤奋认真 , 勇于合作 , 作风严谨 , 较强的适应能力和自学能力专业名称:高护所获奖励

