
377 College Ave.
Our Town, USA 12345
[email protected]
(222) 789-1011
Southern State RN license # 3344478
Malpractice insurance through Corporate Coverage Company
2000 BSN, Southern State University, Our Town, USA
Graduated magna cum laude
Fluent in English. Eight years of Spanish study (ages 11-18 and currently studying).
Proficient in MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Working knowledge of Access tables and queries. Working knowledge of Big Name Electronic Health Records.
2003-200X RN
Visiting Nurse Service, Our Town, USA
Home visits to post-surgical and elderly patients
2000-2003 RN
Good Samaritan Hospital, Our Town, USA
Medical-Surgical and Recovery Room
1997-2000 Nurse's Aide
Haven Health Care, Our Town, USA
Nursing home care for elderly Alzheimer's patients
2004 Poster presentation on Caring for Diabetics After Surgery: What the Family needs to know, Southern State Nurses' Association Annual Conference, South Springfield, USA
.个人简历姓名民族婚姻状况政治面貌计算机能力技术职称毕业学校联系电话性别出生年月身高户籍学历专业本人对生活充满热情 , 活泼不失稳重 , 热爱护理工作 , 有较强的责任心和良好的职业素养 , 关爱病人 , 思想稳定 , 能够自觉服从科室管理 , 按时上下班 , 有较强的事业心 , 责任心 , 能克服各种困难 , 完成号各级赋予的种种工作 , 熟悉了掌握医学临床技术专业的基础理论知识 , 熟练自我评价预防医学 , 能对各种内科疾病作出诊断 , 能正确诊断病症并作出治疗方案 , 在坚持职业道德守则 , 坚持为病人服务减轻他们痛苦 , 救死扶伤 , 为做人民的好医生努力 , 因为对医学的热爱合兴趣 , 所以梦想是为各族人民在医学方面服务 。部分内容来源于网络 , 有侵权请联系删除!.XXX年X月至XXX年X月XXXXX学校 。XXX年X月至XXX年X月学校教育经历XXX年X月至XXX年X月XXXXX学校培训经历从XXXX年X月至XXXX年X月 , 在XXXXXXX医院实习 。从XXXX年X月至XXXX年X月 , 在XXXXXXX医院实习了X个月 , 在实习期间丰富了护士思维 , 我对我的专业很有感兴趣 。工作期间非常认真 , 跟别人的关系特别好 , 在X月内的实习工作培养了我良好的工作态度和团队意识 。护士水平大幅度提高 , 熟悉了掌握临临床实践床的基础理论知识 , 并且熟练的掌握了各项基本诊断规程 , 严格执行各收获项诊断流程 , 掌握并加强了了做出病症辨别诊断的能力 , 提高了正确检查分析报告做出
3.高分求英语高手翻译一份护士英文简历Working content: Department of internal medicine is engaged in the nursery work in the hospital since working in September of 1987, for example: Offering intravenous injection, intramuscular injection, hypodermic injection. The cover is tried to draw blood, breathe in phlegm oxygen intake,etc.. Arrange to be admitted to hospital the patient and enter the suitable ward newly, help the doctor to admitted to hospital the patient and place on the position suitable newly, change sheets and suffer from the clothes, monitor body temperature, pulse and breathe blood pressure, look after the patient with heavier condition, carry out the doctor's order, attend to the oral cavity with oral medicine, to the critical patient the patient according to the doctor's order, each one nursing in morning and evening, look after, lie in bed patient, heartbeat sudden and in heart failure competent for instance, give them basic nursing. Such as feeding meals, having a bath, washing the face, trimming the nails, help patients to carry on the function and do exercises, lead the patient to go out to take a walk, absorb the fresh air, I think my oldest happiness is to lighten the agony for the patient, and help them to get well as soon as possible from disease. 。