
1.英语作文,介绍青海(翻译)我的家乡是青海,在那里会看到蓝蓝的天清清的水,会感受到青藏高原的美丽 。哪里有个盐湖—那就是青海湖 。青海湖是有名的旅游之地 。这就是我美丽的家乡青海
My home is in Qinghai, where he will see the blue sky clear water, you will feel the beauty of the Tibetan Plateau. Where there is a salt lake - that is the Qinghai Lake. Qinghai Lake is a famous tourist place. This is my beautiful home of Qinghai
2.英语三百字作文my holiday 描写青海湖我的老家在青海,那儿有一片美丽的湖——青海湖 。
My hometown in Qinghai, where there is a beautiful lake - Qinghai Lake.我扑向三月的清晟,呼吸着雨后甜润的空气 。这时,我像不经意中扑进一幅巨大的画面 。
眼前一片片黄灿灿的油菜花 。一阵微风吹过,油菜花左右摇摆,从远处看,就好象这一垄垄油菜花在拉着手,随着“音乐”唱起了优美的童谣 。
在这油菜花后面,衔接着一望无际,湛蓝的大海,美丽极了!I jumped on March the Qing Sheng, breathe the sweet air after the rain. At this time, I like to rush into a huge picture. In front of a piece of golden rape flowers. The breeze, shaking about rape, from a distance, as if the ridge ridge rape in holding hands, singing along with the "music" the beautiful nursery rhymes. In this behind the rape, the convergence of the endless, blue sea, very beautiful!青海湖是静的 。当碧空万里,阳光明媚时,青海湖平静得像一面镜子 。
我站在湖边,影子倒映在水中,清晰可见 。Qinghai Lake is quiet. When the clear day, sunny Qinghai Lake, calm as a mirror. I stand at the edge of the shadow reflected in the water, clearly visible.青海湖是一个顽皮的孩子 。
一阵狂风吹过,湖面泛起了一层层涟漪,开始变得不平静起来 。这时,湖就像一个顽皮的孩子,在奔跑,嬉戏 。
( 苏州万达企业服务 - 万达文学 ) Qinghai Lake is a naughty boy. A gust of wind blowing, the lake was a layer of ripples, began to become not calm. At this time, the lake is like a naughty child, running, playing. (Suzhou Wanda business services - Wanda literature ) 青海湖是绿的.有时,那湛蓝的青海湖竟变成绿的了.你看,那湖面就像一块绿翡翠一样闪闪发光. Qinghai Lake is green. Sometimes, the blue Qinghai Lake turns green. You see, the lake looks like a green jade.雨中的青海湖那更是奇妙无比!Qinghai Lake in the rain that is fantastic!乌云密布,天空暗淡了许多 。这就是提醒人们湖上大会就要开始了 。
过了一会儿,只听“嗵”的一声,大会进行曲响了起来,“噼里啪啦”接踵而至的就是那美丽的“礼花”飞上了天,霎时间,天空布满了五颜六色的“星星”,漂亮极了!瞧,那湖面上开满了一朵朵“鲜花”,这就是参赛1号选手,鲤鱼小姐在表演精彩的水上舞蹈,“鲜花”就是她头上的“发簪” 。你想知道今天的节目是否精彩?雷鸣般的“掌声”会告诉你的 。
Dark clouds, the sky is dark a lot of. This is to remind people that the lake is about to begin. After a while, just listen to the sound of "Mao", conference March rang, crackling followed is the beautiful "fireworks" fly to the sky, in an instant, the sky was covered with colorful "stars", very beautiful! Look, the lake full of blossoming flowers, which is participating contestant No. 1, Miss carp in performing wonderful water dance, "flowers" is she head "Bob". You want to know today's program is wonderful? Thunderous applause will tell you. 。
3.旅游青海湖的英语作文邮件带翻译For another, there is an old saying which goes that men and women with the work and not tired. It is true that when a couple work or study together, they will feel less exhausted, because we always want to show our best side to the one we love. Besides, student couple study together is more efficient, for they have the same target and they will encouraged each other. 。