
1.吃货用英语怎么说吃货用英语表示为foodie,foodie英式发音为[?fu:di],美式发音为[?fudi],意思还有:美食家 。
1、Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese, Portuguese or Greek food.
城里的其他街区为食客们提供了中国菜、葡式菜、希腊菜等多种选择 。
2、After reading some of my previous posts some of you may already suspect that I am quite a foodie!
在读了我之前的日志之后,你们可能怀疑我是个美食家 。
3、It's easy for a foodie like me to feel happy and satisfied;
4、As a health nut and foodie, 36-year-old Shazi visram had a problem with processed baby food.
作为养生迷和美食家,36岁的沙兹?维斯兰曾一度对经过加工的婴儿和儿童食品心存抵触 。
5、Foodie tourism has a new player: Vermont and its artisan cheese makers.
美食旅游业有一支新的生力军:佛蒙特州及其乳酪制作师傅 。
6、Being an aspiring foodie, I love the fact that I can dine at a Chinese restaurant one night and then the next night indulge in Japanese or Mongolian cuisine.
作为一名有理想的美食家,我喜欢的是某一晚上我可以在一家中国餐馆吃饭,第二天晚上可以尽情享受日本或者蒙古美食 。
7、The journalism teacher in our group called it a "foodie version of going to the Cirque du Soleil", the innovative Canadian theatre and acrobatic troupe.
我们这群人里的一位新闻学教师,称之为去太阳马戏团(Cirque du Soleil,加拿大的创新性剧团和杂技团)看表演的食物版 。
8、It's easy to make a foodie happy-just give me something to eat.
逗吃货开心的方法很简单,只要带吃货去吃好吃的 。
9、It is intimidating to eat with such an obvious foodie.
与这样一位显然是美食家的人一起吃饭,有些令人胆怯 。
2.我是一个吃货为题70字英语I am an 11-year-old boy, grow tall and big, my biggest hobby is to eat. My favourite food is noodles, regardless of Fried noodles, noodles, dried pasta, instant noodles are my favourite. When a noodles of the table, I couldn't breath to destroy it. When eating noodles don't lift my head, and they were afraid to look up a moment someone brought to surface. All hours of the mouth and teeth busy moment, open mouth, chewing, swallowing. If it is noodles in soup, that the final step is to drink soup, this time I will bite a bowl, raised his head, "loud gurgling," soup not a drop left to my belly. Is such a noodles I destroyed.翻译: 我是一个11岁的男孩,长得又高又大,我最大的爱好是吃 。
我最喜欢的食物是面,不管炒面、拉面、干拌面、方便面都是我的最爱 。当一碗面端上桌的时候,我恨不得一口气把它消灭 。
吃面的时候我头都不抬一下,就怕抬头一瞬间有人把面抢了去 。嘴巴和牙齿忙得一刻都不停,张嘴、咀嚼、吞咽不断重复 。
如果是汤面,那最后的步骤就是喝汤,这时候我就咬着碗口,抬起头“咕噜咕噜” 一下,汤一滴不剩地到我肚子里了 。就这样一碗面被我消灭了 。
foodie 读法 英 ['fu?d?] 美 ['fudi]
n. 美食家;吃货
1、Japan Foodie 日本美食
2、Foodie Show 料理厨房
3、Foodie mealkits 健康美食包
food指“食品,食物,伙食,养料”的统称时,是不可数名词 。food表示某种可吃的食物时,为可数名词 。a food指一种食物,foods指多种食物 。food还可用于比喻,指“被人思考的东西”“精神食粮”,是不可数名词,常与介词for连用 。