
1.英语六级作文需要写题目吗六级作文不用写题 , 直接开门见山答题就好了 。
注意六级作文本质上是给定主题的话题写作(response task) , 因此题目可不写 。
1、基本正确。四、六级考生的最大问题不是写得太简单 , 而是严重错误太多.基础一般的同学即使使用小学或中学词汇和句型 , 只要使用得基本正确 , 也可以得到及格分数.考生最常犯的语言错误有三类:语法、拼写、标点.最常犯的语法错误包括:时态、冠词、主谓一致、名词单复数等 。
2、丰富多变。基础较好的同学 , 要想取得四、六级写作高分 , 应做到丰富多变.丰富多变体现在词汇和句型两方面.同一词语在一句话、一个段落乃至一篇文章中最好 不要重复出现 , 应尽量使用同、近义词替换(无法替换的关键词除外)
背诵是提高英语(论坛)(论坛)综合能力的法宝 , 可分为以下5个层次:(1)精彩词汇;(2)精彩句型;(3)精彩句子;(4)万能框架;(5)经典范文.注意句子和句型不一样 , 精彩句子应作为单词来记忆.背诵前 , 确保自己已充分理解所有内容 。
2、快速阅读理解(10% , 选择+句子填空或其他)
3、改错或完形填空(10% , 错误辨认并改正或多项选择)
1、写作(15% , 短文写作)
2、翻译(5% , 汉译英)
2.近五年四六级作文题目2006年6月17日大学英语四级考试作文题目及范文 Writing: 1. 校学生会将组织一次暑期志愿者活动 , 现招募志愿者 。
2.本次志愿者活动的目的 , 内容、安排等 。3.报名条件及联系方式 。
题目:Volunteers Needed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're writing this letter to recruit volunteers on summer vocation. And we do hope more students are willing to join us and enjoy this activity joyfully during the following month. It is necessary for us to show our plans and arrangements to you. Our plan is to set off next weekend, when the summer vacation officially begins. And, our purpose is to service the Olympic Games. The first stop is Nanjing, the world-renowned city for its beauty and mild temperature. We'll get there by train and stay there for 2 days, and then we'll head for Shanghai. After a 3-day stay there, we will give the coaches there a handso that the game can be held smoothly. As everybody knows, Shanghai is the busiest city in this game, where we will undertake a lot of work, so the stay there will be about half a week. All together, our trip will last about three weeks. Those interested please contact me either through email ([email protected]) or phone call (12345678). We are waiting for you sincerely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Students: The hard and hectic (busy and bustling) semester is drawing to close. The Students' Union is scheduled to organize a clean-up program to the Zhongshan Lake. The purpose of this program is to enhance the environment awareness of general public. We are now recruiting new members of volunteers for the event. The program procedure goes like this: next Saturday morning at 9:00 volunteers of 50 will go to the Zhongshan lake .Around the lake we will put up signs and posters calling people's attention to the importance of in environment prot ter is drawing to close. The Students' Union is scheduled to organize a clean-up program to the Zhongshan Lake. The purpose of this program is to enhance the environment awareness of general public. We are now recruiting new members of volunteers for the event. The program procedure goes like this: next Saturday morning at 9:00 volunteers of 50 will go to the Zhongshan lake .Around the lake we will put up signs and posters calling people's attention to the importance of in environment protection and pick up the trash by some tourists. This will certainly attract a lot of people since it is a weekend and the park is particularly popular with tourists. Each day there is an estimated number of 2000 people visiting the place, sight-seeing and picnic-going. This must be both exiting and rewarding. We welcome any students who like to take the time and trouble to do something for environment conservation. Interested students can register yourselves with us now. ( or sign up your names at our office.) Our number is 88807777. The Students Union --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear fellow students, Attention, please! We are now recruiting volunteers to participate in (take part in / get involved in) a voluntary program held by the student union during the summer break. The details of our activity are listed as follows. First, this activity is ai med at cultivating (giving a boost to ) your sense of responsibility, broadening your vision and sharpening your edge because, as our economy evolves at an incredible speed, it is becoming increasingly vital for young adults in the Ivory Tower to get in touch with the real world. Second, our activity begins at July 10th and ends at July 20th. . Plus, the schedule involves blood donation, looking after senior citizens and conducting a survey on the city's traffic system to put forward our suggestions. Any full-time or part-time students in our college are welcomed to join our team. For further information, please call us at 135****** or send your email to [email protected] Come on, guys! [ 结 束 ] 。