
1.媳妇的英文怎么写媳妇的英文有 son's wife 和 wife 。
His son, of course, docilely went along.When his daughter-in-law vent home and told her mother, Mrs. Sun, however, said, "How ridiculous!''
"If you won't agree for my sake or my wife's, aunt, do it for the one who's dead."
Every man and his dog, plus wives, kids and grandparents, have turned out to study the strangers.
岛上所有的男人和他们的狗,加上媳妇、娃娃、老头老太太们,都出来围观这些陌生人 。
When the daughter-in-law gives birth to a genuine, honest-to-goodness son, the mother-in-law has to make further concessions.
到媳妇养了个真实不假的男孩子,婆婆更加让步 。
surrogate wife (性治疗中)太太的替身
【儿媳的英文怎么写的】take to wife 【法】 娶为妻
rights of wife 【法】 妻的权利
old wife 老妇人,长舌妇
wife cake 老婆饼
wife n.[C] 1. 已婚女子;妻子,夫人 2.【俚】同性恋伙伴关系中的被动方 3. 喜爱的妓女,(特指)妓院老板喜爱的妓女
WIFE Windows智能化字体环境(=Windows Intelligent Font Environment)
pudding wife n. 辐纹海猪鱼
Alpha wife n. 阿尔法老婆(在家庭中作为主要经济支柱的老婆)
ex wife 前妻
2.媳妇,用英语怎么写媳妇的英文翻译是wife 。
英 [wa?f] 美 [wa?f]
1、I have a wife and two small children
我有一个妻子和两个年幼的孩子 。
2、Soon afterwards he separated from his wife.
不久以后,他和妻子分居了 。
3、My wife has just had a baby
我妻子刚生了孩子 。
4、I now pronounce you man and wife.
我现在宣布你们结为夫妻 。
5、He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey.
他辞别了妻子便启程了 。
6、His wife had cuckolded him.
妻子给他戴绿帽子了 。
3.媳妇,用英语怎么写媳妇的英文翻译是wife 。
词汇分析wife英 [wa?f] 美 [wa?f] n.妻子,太太;夫人,老婆;已婚妇女扩展例句1、I have a wife and two small children 我有一个妻子和两个年幼的孩子 。2、Soon afterwards he separated from his wife. 不久以后,他和妻子分居了 。
3、My wife has just had a baby 我妻子刚生了孩子 。4、I now pronounce you man and wife. 我现在宣布你们结为夫妻 。
5、He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey. 他辞别了妻子便启程了 。6、His wife had cuckolded him. 妻子给他戴绿帽子了 。

