剪刀手爱德华英语台词?。。。?/h3>Kim: Hold me.
Edward: I can't.
Officer Allen: Will he be OK, Doc?
Psychologist: The years spent in isolation have not equipped him with the tools necessary to judge right from wrong. He's had no context. He's been completely without guidance. Furthermore, his work - the garden sculptures, hairstyles and so forth - indicate that he's a highly imaginative... uh... character. It seems clear that his awareness of what we call reality is radically underdeveloped.
Peg Boggs: How was it?
Edward: It was great. She showed me all the wallpaper and where everything is going to go.
Peg Boggs: Well that's nice.
Edward: And then she brought me in the back room where she took all her clothes off.
Kim: Before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. I don't think it would be snowing now if he weren't still up there. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.
剪刀手爱德华里面的经典台词有哪些?1.如果我没有刀,我就不能保护你 。如果我有刀,我就不能拥抱你 。
2.如果我从没有品尝过温暖的感觉,也许我就不会这样寒冷:如果我从没有感受过爱情的甜美,我也许就不会这样痛苦:如果我从不曾离开过我的房间,我就不会知道我原来是这样孤独 。
12.都是我做的坏榜样,我不该羡慕占美家有钱 。
13.他给他造了器官、心脏、头脑以及一切 。
14.我已经老了,我希望他永远记得我年轻时的样子 。
15.如果晚上月亮升起的时候,月光照到我的门口,我希望月光女神能满足我一个愿望——我想要一双人类的手 。我想用我的双手把我的爱人紧紧地拥在怀中 , 哪怕只有一次 。《剪刀手爱德华》中有哪些让你记忆犹新的台词? 我觉着是我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁 。电影开场即是一段绝望的音乐,配上深夜的鹅毛大雪,缓缓出现了电影公司的字幕,上面蒙盖了雪花 。就注定这是一场令人绝望的悲剧开始 。某天化妆品推销员佩格,无意间闯入古堡,遇到了全身惨白 , 浑身脏兮兮,满脸伤痕,还有张牙舞爪剪刀手的爱德华 。爱德华是古堡的发明家创造的机器人,外表与正常人一样,只是发明家还没来得及为他装手,就突然去世 。
如果没有品尝过温暖的感觉,就不会这样寒冷无助;如果没有感受过爱情的甜美,就不会这样痛彻心扉;如果不曾离开过那个房间,就不会知道自己孤寡一人 。就好像 , 因为从未拥有过,所以一心向往;但又因为拥有过,所以满怀痛楚 。剪刀手爱德华电影里没有这段台词吧,为什么网上到...电影中没有这段对白 。这应该是文青观影后有感而发所写的一段文字吧 。有人说是结尾时的旁白,反正我看过几个版本的也没听有过这段旁白 。
至于是否出自别的电影就不清楚了,反正不是出自《剪刀手爱德华》 。
剪刀手爱德华的经典台词 要英汉互译 ~3Q思密达 ~If the evening when the moon rises, the moon shine my doorstep, I hope to meet La Luna me a wish, I'd like a pair of human hands. I would like to put my hands of my lover tightly over at Wye Medium, even if only once. If I have never had a warm feeling of taste, maybe I will not cold; if I did not feel too sweet love, I maybe would not have to pain. If I did not encounter the kind-pei girl, if I have never not left my room, I would not know I was such a lonely如果晚上月亮升起的时候 , 月光照到我的门口,我希望月光女神能满足我一个愿望 , 我想要一双人类的手 。我想用我的双手把我的爱人紧紧地拥在怀中,哪怕只有一次 。如果我从来没有品尝过温暖的感觉,也许我不会这样寒冷;如果我从没有感受过爱情的甜美,我也许就不会这样地痛苦 。如果我没有遇到善良的佩格,如果我从来不曾离开过我的房间,我就不会知道我原来是这样的孤独 。
Kim: I love you
Kim: Hold me.
Edward: I can't.
金:抱着我 。
爱德华:我不能 。
Jim: Forget about holding her hand, man. Think about the damage he could do to other places.
吉姆:忘掉牵着她的手,小伙子 。想想他在其它地方可能带来的危险 。
Kim: You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.
金:你看,在他来以前,这里从来没有下过雪,但后来下雪了 。如果他不在那儿 , 我想就不会下雪了 。有时你会看见我在雪中翩翩起舞 。
Esmerelda: I can't believe you sheep have strayed so far from the path of righteousness!
Edward: [Walking towards Esmerelda] We're not sheep!
伊斯蒙瑞达:我不相信绵羊会迷失正道那么远 。
爱德华:我们不是绵羊 。
Peg Boggs: How was it?
Edward: It was great. She showed me all the wallpaper and where everything is going to go.
Peg Boggs: Well that's nice.
Edward: And then she brought me in the back room where she took all her clothes off.
佩格:怎么样 。
爱德华:很好?。阉械那街蕉几铱? ,还看了其它所有的东西 。
佩格:真不错 。
爱德华:然后她把我带到后边的房间里 , 脱光了所有的衣服 。
Edward: I knew it was Jim's house.
Kim: Then... why did you do it?
Edward: Because you asked me to.
爱德华:我知道那是吉姆的房子 。
爱德华:因为是你让我做的 。
Edward: Kevin, you wanna play scissors, paper, stone again?
Kevin: No!
Edward: Why not?
Kevin: 'Cause it's boring. I always win!
求剪刀手爱德华的图片与经典台词If the evening when the moon rises, the moon shine my doorstep, I hope to meet La Luna me a wish, I'd like a pair of human hands. I would like to put my hands of my lover tightly over at Wye Medium, even if only once. If I have never had a warm feeling of taste, maybe I will not cold; if I did not feel too sweet love, I maybe would not have to pain. If I did not encounter the kind-pei girl, if I have never not left my room, I would not know I was such a lonely
如果晚上月亮升起的时候,月光照到我的门口,我希望月光女神能满足我一个愿望,我想要一双人类的手 。我想用我的双手把我的爱人紧紧地拥在怀中,哪怕只有一次 。如果我从来没有品尝过温暖的感觉,也许我不会这样寒冷;如果我从没有感受过爱情的甜美 , 我也许就不会这样地痛苦 。如果我没有遇到善良的佩格,如果我从来不曾离开过我的房间,我就不会知道我原来是这样的孤独 。
能否不要度娘……我想要更多的台词 , ppt不可能只一页啊
If I do not have a knife, I can not protect you if I have a knife, I can not give you a hug.
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