工业设计师德莱赛简介19世纪出现了一个有植物学背景的工业设计师 德莱赛 。德莱赛对科学极感兴趣,并作为植物学家进行研究工作,撰写了有关这学科的专著和论文,担任过4所大学的植物学教授 。
从事科学研究使他对自然形式与装饰的关系感兴趣 , 在1857年的《艺术学报》上 , 他清楚的表明 他在寻找符合逻辑地解决设计的实际问题的途径 。
关于装饰问题,德莱赛反对直接模仿自然,他认为植物里的形式必须经过人为的规范化后才有用 。“规范化的植物形象就是以最纯净的形式描绘出来的自然,因此,它们不是自然的仿制品,而是完美的植物精神实质的具体形象 。”
德莱赛潜心研究的植物学不单单是图案和形态的来源,用他的话来说 , 植物表现出了“合理的目的性”,或者说“适应性” 。德莱赛是率先以合理方式分析形式与功能之间关系的设计师之一,这不能不说是受植物学的影响 。
另外 找到一个英文简介:
Christopher Dresser (Glasgow, July 4, 1834 – Mulhouse, November 24, 1904) was a designer and writer on design, now widely known as Britain’s first independent industrial designer and as a contributor to the Anglo-Japanese and Aesthetic movements in Britain.
Dresser was born in Glasgow, Scotland. At age 13, he began attending the Government School of Design, Strand. He received training in design as well as botany, and he took on the latter as his specialization. After completing his studies, he lectured in botany and art-botany at the School of Design and the Female School of Design. He also wrote two books on the subject, as well as series of articles that appeared in the Art Journal in 1857, "Botany as Adapted to the Arts and Art Manufactures." He was awarded an honorary doctorate in absentia from the University of Jena, Germany in 1859 for his writings.
Dresser applied to be the chair of botany at University College, London in 1860 but was not granted the position. Around this time, he began to focus less on his activities as a botanist and more on his design practice. His design work included carpets, silver and electroplate, wallpaper, pottery, glass, and metalwork. He wrote several books on design and ornament, including The Art of Decorative Design (1862), The Development of Ornamental Art in the International Exhibition (1862), and Principles of Design (1871-72). In 1876, Dresser traveled throughout Japan, recording his impressions in Japan, its Architecture, Art and Art-Manufactures. He took inspiration both from Japanese motifs and materials, and his work showing this influence is considered archetypical of the Anglo-Japanese style. From 1879, he was appointed director of the Linthorpe Art Pottery in Linthorpe in Middlesbrough (although his name disappeared from the ware by 1882). Some of Dresser’s iconic designs are still in production, such as his celebrated oil and vinegar sets and toast rack designs, that are now manufactured by Alessi. One of his designs is thought to have inspired the 1967 novel The Owl Service.
Partial Bibliography
Unity in Variety as Deduced from the Vegetable Kingdom (1859)
The Rudiments of Botany, Structural and Physiological (1859)
Popular Manual on Botany
The Art of Decorative Design (1862)
Development of Ornamental Art in the International Exhibition (1862)
General Principles of Art, Decorative and Pictorial, with hints on colour, its harmonies and contrasts (1868)
Principles of Decorative Design (1873)
Studies in Design (1875)
Japan, its Architecture, Art and Art-Manufactures (1882)
Modern Ornamentation (1886)
工业设计投简历工业设计投简历比较复杂,一般是需要简历和作品集 。
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而作品集最好是PDF的方便面试者阅读,PPT其次,再次就是直接图片 。
建议全是PDF , 切忌用自动播放的PPT格式(比如PPS)会给人造成极大不便 。
求工业设计师的英文简介industrial stylist参考资料里是工业设计师大本营.
“工业设计”的含义是什么?请简介 。学科:工学
业务培养目标:本专业培养具备工业设计的基础理论、知识与应用能力,能在企事业单位、专业设计部门、科研单位从事工业产品造型设计、视觉传达设计、环境设计和教学、科研工作的应用型高级专门人才 。
业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习工业设计的基础理论与知识,具有应用造型设计原理和法则处理各种产品的造型与色彩、形式与外观、结构与功能、结构与材料、外形与工艺、产品与人、产品与环境、市场的关系,并将这些关系统一表现在产品的造型设计的基本能力 。
3.具有新产品的研究与开发的初步能力 , 有较强的实验技能、动手能力、及美的鉴赏与创造能力以及较强的计算机和外语应用能力;
4.具有较强的自学能力和较高的综合素质 。
主干学科:机械工程、艺术学 。
主要课程:力学、电工学、机械设计基础、工业美术、造型设计基础、工程材料、人机工程学、心理学、计算机辅助设计、视觉传达设计、环境设计 。
主要实践性教学环节:包括军训 , 金工、电工、电子实习,认识实习 , 生产实习 , 社会实践,课程设计,毕业设计(论文)等 , 一般应安排40周以上 。
(5)本人特长:如文艺体育等 。
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