
咖啡是许多上班族必备的提神饮品 , 而对于意大利艺术家茱莉亚·贝尔纳德利来说 , 咖啡不仅可以喝 , 还可以用来作画 。
Some people are so incredibly talented that they can be artistically inspired by the most unexpected of things, such as spilled drinks. Case in point – Italian artist Giulia Bernardelli, whose amazing coffee art began as a mishap.
有些人非常有天赋 , 他们可以从意想不到的事情中获得艺术灵感 , 比如洒出来的饮品 。 意大利艺术家茱莉亚·贝尔纳德利就有这样的才华 , 她用咖啡创作出令人惊叹的艺术品 , 而这一切始于一场意外 。

One day, Giulia was drawing and having her coffee at the same time. At one point, she moved her hand too quickly and spilled her coffee all over the canvas, but the way the coffee stain spread inspired her to pick up the spoon and use it as a brush, to guide the brown liquid. And that’s how her journey into coffee art began. She got better and better at it, and today Giulia is regarded as one of the world’s best coffee artists.
一天 , 茱莉亚一边画画一边喝咖啡 。 她的手动得太快弄洒了咖啡 , 画布上泼满了咖啡 , 但咖啡污渍扩散的方式给了她灵感 , 她拿起勺子作画笔 , 勾画棕色的咖啡液 。 这就是茱莉亚用咖啡作画的开始 。 她的技艺越来越精湛 , 如今 , 茱莉亚是世界上公认的最好的咖啡艺术家之一 。

Born in 1987 in the city of Mantua, Giulia Bernardelli graduated at the Accademia of Fine Arts of Bologna with a bachelor’s degree in educational studies, but it was the above-mentioned coffee mishap that shaped her artistic career.
茱莉亚·贝尔纳德利1987年出生于曼图亚市 , 毕业于博洛尼亚美术学院 , 获得教育学学士学位 , 但正是上述经历开启了她的艺术生涯 。

茱莉亚用咖啡液创作的米兰大教堂 。
As for the things Giulia draws with coffee, she takes inspiration from a variety of things, such as famous artworks, architecture, or the human body.
用咖啡作画时 , 茱莉亚会从各种事物中获取灵感 , 比如著名的艺术品、建筑或人体 。
茱莉亚的咖啡画在Instagram上一炮而红 , 她独特的创意和非凡的画技征服了无数网友 。 一起来欣赏这些神奇的艺术品吧!

茱莉亚用咖啡液绘制米开朗基罗的著名壁画《创世纪》 。

用砂糖绘制的银河系 。



茱莉亚还扩展了自己的创作领域 , 用各种不同的食材作画 。 在她的手下 , 番茄酱也可以充当颜料 , 餐盘摇身一变成画布 。


为了呼吁世界各地的人们节约粮食 , 她用各种谷物和蔬菜制作了一副世界地图 。