Calleja|2022年秋季展览2022 Fall Exhibition

【Calleja|2022年秋季展览2022 Fall Exhibition】Calleja|2022年秋季展览2022 Fall Exhibition

哈维尔·卡勒加Javier Calleja
Calleja|2022年秋季展览2022 Fall Exhibition

哈维尔·卡勒加 , 《拜拜蜜蜂》 , 2020 , 布面丙烯 , 1300mm x 1620mm图片致谢艺术家和Nanzuka 画廊Javier Calleja, Bye, Bye, Bee, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 1300mm x 1620mmCourtesy the artist and Nanzuka
Calleja|2022年秋季展览2022 Fall Exhibition

哈维尔·卡勒加 , 《人人为自己》 , 2020 , 布上丙烯 , 1620 x 1950 mm , X美术馆馆藏Javier Calleja, Sálvese quien pueda, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 1620 x 1950 mm , X Museum Collection西班牙艺术家哈维尔·卡勒加所创作的人物形象以其夸张的头部造型 , 明亮无辜的眼神 , 率真幽默的情感受到广泛关注与好评 。 卡勒加的大眼男孩形象反映了艺术家自己的感受和经历 , 这些人物从素描发展到绘画 , 再到雕塑 , 几乎都是描绘处于青少年和青春过渡时期的男孩 。 这些男孩有着超大的水汪汪的眼睛和淡红色脸颊 , 他们像是刚刚克服了困难的小英雄 , 哭泣之后即将再次微笑 。 在过去的几年里 , 哈维尔·卡勒加的大眼男孩在欧洲和亚洲其他地区逐渐变得炙手可热 , 此次 X 美术馆将这个纯真无邪的男孩带入展厅 , 邀请大家一同走进他丰富的内心世界 。The glass-eyed figures created by Spanish artist Javier Calleja have received widespread acclaim for their exaggerated head shapes, bright and innocent eyes, as well as their frank and humorous emotions.Calleja's images of wide-eyed boys reflect the artist's own feelings and experiences. The figures evolve from sketches to paintings and sculptures, depicting boys in a transitional period of adolescence and youth. With their oversized watery eyes and muted red cheeks, these boys look like little heroes who have just overcome adversity and are about to smile again after crying.Over the past few years, the character has been a hit in Europe and Asia. In the year of 2022, X Museum will bring this innocent boy into the museum space and invite you to enter into his inner world. 点击获取潮流时尚生活百科 , 三天变身潮人!