central$阅读环保两不误:印尼一图书馆推出“垃圾换书”服务 Your trash for our books: Indonesian library creates literacy from litter
【 central$阅读环保两不误:印尼一图书馆推出“垃圾换书”服务 Your trash for our books: Indonesian library creates literacy from litter】如果用亲手捡的垃圾来换书看,你愿意吗?印尼的一名图书馆馆长近日在附近的村庄推出了“垃圾换书”借阅服务,受到了孩子们的热烈欢迎。
Founder of the waste library (Limbah Pustaka), Raden Roro Hendarti, 48, arranges books on a three-wheeler vehicle at the library in Muntang village, Purbalingga, Central Java province, Indonesia November 2, 2021. REUTERS/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana
A librarian in Indonesia"s Java island is lending books to children in exchange for trash they collect in a novel way to clean up the environment and get the kids to read more.
Each weekday Raden Roro Hendarti rides her three wheeler with books stacked up at the back for children in Muntang village to exchange for plastic cups, bags and other waste that she carries back.
Founder of the waste library (Limbah Pustaka), Raden Roro Hendarti, 48, drives a three-wheeler to bring a mobile library to school in Muntang village, Purbalingga, Central Java province, Indonesia, November 3, 2021. REUTERS/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana
She told Reuters she is helping inculcate reading in the kids as well make them aware of the environment. As soon as she shows up, little children, many accompanied by their mothers, surround her "Trash Library" and clamour for the books.
They are all carrying trash bags and Raden"s three-wheeler quickly fills up with them as the books fly out. She"s happy the kids are going to spend less time on online games as a result.
A woman carries a boy who chooses a book on the mobile library at a kindergarten in Muntang village, Purbalingga, Central Java province, Indonesia November 2, 2021. REUTERS/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana
"Let us build a culture of literacy from young age to mitigate the harm of the online world," Raden said. "We should also take care of our waste in order to fight climate change and to save the earth from trash," Raden said.
She collects about 100 kg of waste each week, which is then sorted out by her colleagues and sent for recycling or sold. She has a stock of 6,000 books to lend and wants to take the mobile service to neighbouring areas as well.
Founder of the waste library (Limbah Pustaka), Raden Roro Hendarti, 48, weighs trash in Muntang village, Purbalingga, Central Java province, Indonesia November 2, 2021. REUTERS/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana
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