英语口语考试话题1.How to spent the summer vacation
Celia:Hey~Allison,it's me,Celia.You 're so pretty today!
Allison:Oh~thanks,Celia.Long time on see,You know, It's been a long time since your last call.Been good?
Celia:Yes.How are you ,Allison?
好的?。阍趺囱?br />
Allison:I'm cool.
Celia:How about your campus ?
Allison:Er...upstate,for girls.Lots of trees,animals.
呃 。。。在北部,一所女生学校,有很多树和动物 。
Celia:Supposed to be real nice.
似乎很不错哦 。
Allison:Have you got any idea where you would like to go this summer?
Celia:I was thinking I might travel to Hangzhou.You know,that's a city I have always wanted to see.
我想,我应该会去杭州 。你知道的,我一直打算去杭州度假 。
Allison:Well, Hangzhou is certainly a great attraction. But, in all honesty,I don't think it's a good idea to travel south in summer. It can be very hot.
嗯 , 杭州当然是一个风景宜人的地方 。但老实说啊 , 我不认为暑假去南方旅游是个好主意 。那里会超热的 。
Celia:Oh… you are probably right. Where would you suggest?
哦 。。。你说的也挺对 。那你有什么建议?
Allison:What about a visit to Yantai in Shangdong province? Yantai is a beautiful city by the sea. The beaches are lovely and the weather is really pleasant. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself there.
去山东省的烟台怎么样?烟台是个非常美丽的靠海城市 。海滩阳光明媚风和日丽 。我想你在那里一定玩得很过隐 。
Celia:But if I spend all the time on the beaches , I may get bored.
但要整个暑假都呆在海滩的话,我可能会觉得闷 。
Allison:Well,Yes. But there are many other places to visit nearby. For instance,you can take a boat trip to Changdao to visit the island. You can also make a day tour to Penglai where the Eight immortals were said to have stayed and launched the trip across the sea.
嗯 , 这样?。抢镉泻芏嗥渌胤娇扇ゲ喂鄣?。例如,你可以坐船去长岛观光岛屿 。也可以去蓬莱一日游,那是传说中八仙过海的地方呢 。
Celia:Oh, how interesting! I may have a chance to become an immortal myself.
哇,这么有趣!我可能也有机会变成神仙哦 。
Allison:Haha...Sounds fantastic!
哈哈 。。。听起来太神幻了!
Celia:Thank you ,Allison,your idea is very good.
谢谢你,你的主意太好了 。
英语口语二人对话两分钟 话题foodTom:Wow,how delicious it is!哇 , 多么美味?。?br />Zhang Ming:You mean this dish?你在说这道菜吗?
Tom: Yeah,It's really delicious.What's this? 是?。蛑笔翘牢读耍?这是什么?
Zhang ming: They are dumplings. Chinese people often eat them on New Year Eve.这是饺子,中国人常常在除夕吃饺子 。
Tom:They are nice food,I think.它们是美味的食物,我认为 。
Zhang Ming:Eh~I like dumplings the best.And which food do you like best?嗯~我最喜欢饺子 。你最喜欢什么食物?
Tom: I like beef,Italian noodls the best.But now I like dumplings!我最喜欢牛排和意大利面 , 但现在喜欢水饺了!
应该够两分钟了 , 这可是我现编的呢,我原来挺喜欢写英语对话的,希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O~
南京中考英语口语考试20篇话题分地区的 。江苏肯定考 。
口语按顺序分为:1.朗读屏幕上给定的一篇短文 。2. 根据中文提示 , 回答计算机问出的2个问题
3. 话题简述:根据给定的几段中文提示,简述一个话题 。(可以近似地看做加长版的即时翻译题
除了第二项回答问题外,学校会统一发给学生一本中考口语小册子,上面包含了短文与话题简述各约20篇左右,口语考试的内容就从这里随机抽取 。
口语考试中如果你发现读错了,可以立刻重读一次刚才的内容,计算机按正确的算分 。
口语条件比较宽松 , 基本不失误,哪怕语音烂也可以得高分,不过口语必争满分 , 哪怕扣一分都不应该 。
表示改变话题的连接词有:Well, Anyway, By the way, Speaking of which, That reminds me....
欢迎您随时咨询,祝您学习愉快 。
英语口语课话题!What do you often do on the Internet?
How often do you use the Internet?
How do you think about Internet?
How do you make use of the Internet for study?
英语口语话题简述我不会怎么办【英语口语话题_英语口语话题简述我不会怎么办】要学好口语,必须先练好听力,如果听都听不懂就谈不上开口说了,有个帮助练习外语听力的软件我一直在用,你在百度搜单词风暴,去官网下载个单词风暴软件 , 输入任何单词、句子、文章(我没说错,是任何单词、句子都可以),点播放按钮就可以朗读了,发音很标准 , 还可以直接把输入的任何内容转成MP3播放以及LRC同步字幕,这样就可以放在手机里随时听和跟读了,尤其考试要考到的知识点用这个方法很有效,很方便,我的英语和日语就是用这个软件自学的,用这个软件之前我的外语听力很差,基本属于哑巴英语 , 因为这个软件有很多种发音可以?。箍梢运嬉獾饔锼佟⒁舻? ,所以用这个软件反复练习后,我现在听英语和日语一点都不费劲,只要是我会的单词,无论什么音调的发音,基本上都能听懂,帮了我很大的忙 , 希望也能帮到你 。
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