



音乐是用有组织的音构成的听觉意象,通过各种音响元素在时间中展现,来表达人们的思想感情与社会现实生活的一种艺术形式 。音乐是艺术的一个品种 ,它带给人们的是美感和幸福 。音乐是表达或寄托人们感情的 艺术语言, 它比一般的语言更直接地传达情感 , 并且 , 它始终与美感结合在一起 。音乐是艺术的一个品种 ,它带给人们的是美感和幸福 。音乐是表达或寄托人们感情的 艺术语言, 它比一般的语言更直接地传达情感 , 并且 , 它始终与美感结合在一起 。音乐能让人品味到热爱生活的渴望 , 同时感受到音乐和自然揉合带给我即清清新而又纯净的空间 。音乐中的歌词就是一首诗 , 常常就会跟着歌词走进填词者的心境,而我的思绪就被歌词和音符所束缚陶醉其中 , 独享其乐 。倾听音乐 , 无论是开心也好、失落也罢,都能找到适合自己心情的音乐 , 愿与她分担、愿与她相伴 。音乐是很纯粹的东西,没有一点的杂质,没有一点虚假的成分 。所以我爱上音乐,独乐有时比众乐更让人神往 。扩展资料听音乐不仅是一种娱乐活动 , 更是一种有效的保健养生方法,具有生理、心理和社会适应等多方面的作用 。在生理方面 , 音乐可以调整睡眠、缓解疼痛、协调神经生理功能、提高全身生理运动机能等作用 。音乐可以用乐谱描述,依据乐谱演奏 , 但也有不少音乐类型如民歌或爵士乐是由演奏者即兴创作的 。乐谱作为一种符号的语言,只能描述声音的属性或指示演奏所需的技巧,却无法记录声音本身 。因此在录音技术出现之前,欣赏音乐必需现场聆听,或自己亲身参与演奏 。参考资料来源:百度百科-音乐


#代表升号,在五线谱中有“升半个音”的含义 。相关介绍:升号写在符头的的左边 。或者可以写在整行的开头,表示对整行所有的指定音符做“升半个音”处理,意味着将原有的音符上升到挨着它的上方键 。相关记号:1.降记号:表示将基本音级降低半音 。2.重升记号:表示将基本音级升高两个半音(一个全音) 。3重降记号:表示将基本音级降低两个半音(一个全音) 。扩展资料相关背景:五线谱里记在谱号后面用以表示乐曲所用调域的变音记号称作调号 。在近现代欧洲乐理中,调域之所以通过调号来表示,是由于欧洲的调域概念常常通过它在键盘、五线谱上的表现形式来把握的缘故 。同样一个自然七声音阶,当演奏者从十二律中选用不同的律来构成而形成不同的调域时,在键盘上表现为不同的选键方式 。由于黑键在五线谱上的记法是通过在白键音位的音符前面添写#或b号来表示的 , 所以凡调域中所包括的若干黑键,在五线谱上也用若干#或b号来表示,这些升降记号写在五线谱上每行谱表左端,谱号的右侧,成为乐曲所用调域的标志 。参考资料来源:百度百科-#


音乐分为以下类型:Classical music: 古典音乐Pop music: 流行音乐Blues: 蓝调歌曲,忧郁音乐Rock & Roll: 摇滚乐Jazz: 爵士乐Orchestral music:管弦乐队音乐Contemporary music: 现代音乐再具体话就是:打击乐 percussion吹打乐 ensemble of wind and percussion instruments吹奏乐;管乐 wind music / band music合奏乐 part music管弦乐 orchestral music弦乐 stringed music丝竹乐 sizhuyue,stringed and woodwind instruments琴乐 keyboard music军乐 martial music扩展资料:即曲风 。曲风(歌曲风格、音乐曲风、流派)是指音乐作品在整体上呈现出的具有代表性的独特面貌 。即音乐类型 。曲风同其它艺术风格类似,其通过歌曲表现出来的相对稳定、内在和深刻,能更为本质地反映出时代、民族或音乐家个人的思想观念、审美理想、精神气质等内在特性的外部印记 。曲风的形成是时代、民族或音乐家在对音乐的理解和实现上超越了幼稚阶段,摆脱了各种模式化的束缚,从而趋向或达到了成熟的标志 。trip-hop是英伦/欧洲跳舞音乐的一种 , 它的名字来源是“ trip+ hip hop"= trip-hop" , 因为它发源自英国的bristol,因此最早时称作"bristol hip-hop". 。由于把hip-hop(其实很多音乐都是架构在hip-hop上的 。..不知啥是hip-hop的去看看跳街舞的人,他们多半是用hip-hop音乐来跳的 。)参考资料: 音乐类型


音乐是反映人类现实生活情感的一种艺术(英名称:music;法文名称: musique;意大利文:musica) 。音乐是用组织音构成的听觉意象,来表达人们的思想感情与社会现实生活的一种艺术形式 。也是最能即时打动人的艺术形式之一 。旋律响起人们往往无法抗拒的立即处于音乐的氛围当中 。任何一种艺术形式都有自己表情达意、塑造艺术意象的表现形式 。扩展资料:音乐的分类1、古典音乐"Classic"一词来源于拉丁语,原指罗马社会上等阶层,后转义为人类具有普遍性和永恒性价值的业绩 。在国外,这种音乐类型被称之为“classical music”,“classical”有“古典的、正统派的、古典文学的”之意,所以我们国人将之称为“古典音乐”,确切地说应该是“西洋古典音乐” 。2、流行音乐流行音乐(pop music)是根据英语popular music翻译过来的 。按照汉语词语表面去理解,所谓流行音乐,是指那些结构短小、内容通俗、形式活泼、情感真挚,并被广大群众所喜爱 , 广泛传唱或欣赏,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲 。3、民族音乐广义指浪漫浪漫主义中后期兴起的富有民族色彩的,或是宣扬民族主义的乐派 。狭义地讲,指中国民族音乐 。所谓中国民族音乐就是祖祖辈辈生活、繁衍在中国这片土地上的各民族,从古到今在悠久历史文化传统上创造的具有民族特色,能体现民族文化和民族精神的音乐 。参考资料来源:百度百科-音乐

求安利像神烦警探 我爱上的人都是奇葩 这种坑爹治愈的美剧神探夏洛克,很好看的,只不过是英剧 。一年一季,一季三集,到现在共九集了,呼声挺高的 。

有一首歌的歌词是i got love to given given 这是美剧(我爱上的人是奇葩)第二美剧《我爱上的人是奇葩》第二季第12集片尾曲:
Siskiyou - Twigs And Stones




美剧《神烦警探》与其他美剧相比有何有点?美国商业电视以每年九月中旬至次年四月下旬为一个播出季,这段时间天气较冷,人们一般较少外出,电视的开机率和收视率自然大幅提升 。每年十二月前后因有圣诞节等节日连环到来,剧集大多会停播“冬歇” 。因此大多数剧集一季在22-25集左右 。如果首播剧集收视高企,剧集会在非播出季重播 。但是这一惯例在逐渐改变 , 更多的新剧在非播出季首播 , 一季的集数也越来越短,部分剧情类剧集的集数在12集左右 。
类似于火线警探这样好看的美剧 警匪的或者动作的都可以窝安利个冷门新剧,超感八人组,算是悬疑奇幻动作
警匪的话:24小时,CSI系列(窝个人偏爱NY),NCIS系列(偏爱本部+LA),犯罪心理,妙女神探,超感警探,重案组+罪案终结,神烦警探(搞笑片),然后个人推荐一部被砍的冷门,暗警 。
美剧纯动作的很少吧?闪点行动,超市特工(好吧这个还蛮久的了),谍影迷情,以及更早更早以前的末世黑天使(为了看芭姐,虽然窝是妹纸),特工类如果都算上的话,再加上疑犯追踪和神盾 。

总之,推荐的有老牌,有被砍 , 有冷门 , 有古早 。。。自己挑啦

求类似于《神盾局特工》《天蝎计划》这样的美剧 , 有点高智商剧情又好的那种,或者像《神烦警探》那种有点《妙警贼探》 。。。男主超级帅?。。ㄋ淙凰歉鰃ay)也是属于高智商的
说道神盾局特工 。。。还有绿箭侠啊 闪电侠啊之类的也不错
哥谭镇也不错 说的是蝙蝠侠的助手的故事

“你是一个很糟糕的人,但我不后悔爱上你”出自哪部美剧?《我爱上的人是奇葩》故事描述两个有自毁倾向的、令人生厌的主人公坠入情网的故事——他们试图建立稳定的爱情关系,但这对他们来说简直是不可能的任务 。

求一部美剧男主有女朋友了不过在剧中爱上了另一个女人,我找了好久都没找到,都是电影,我比较喜欢看两有很多啊,绯闻天后,错位青春,假亦真等等 。


求美剧《生活大爆炸》开场音乐歌词,就是那首唱得特别快的根本听不清楚的?。。。?/h3>The Big Bang Theory-Barenaked Ladies
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait.140亿年前终于爆了炸 等着看吧!
The Earth began to cool,地球开始降温
The autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄
Neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,数学 自然科学 历史 揭开神秘
That all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始
Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.元素在微秒间便形成了
The bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走
The dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了
They tried to leap but they were late想要突变 没来得及
And they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)
The oceans and pangea大洋和泛古陆
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜 才不想学你
Set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸
It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始
It's expanding ever outward but one day宇宙向外膨胀 但有一天
It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt向内坍塌 反正我们不在了 不会觉得疼
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸
Australopithecus would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们
Debating out while here they're catching deer (we'recatching viruses)在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪 (我们现在捉电脑病毒了)
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy宗教 天文 e百科 旧约申命记
It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始
Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology音乐 神话 爱因斯坦 占星术
It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始
It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始

有人看 南国医恋的吗? Hart of Dixie 美剧 里面很多百老汇歌曲 求歌词看看吧~

"Oh, Better Far to Live and Die"

Oh, better far to live and die
Under the brave black flag I fly,
Than play a sanctimonious part,
With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Away to the cheating world go you,
Where pirates all are well-to-do;
But I’ll be true to the song I sing,
And live and die a Pirate King.

For I am a Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King!

For I am a Pirate King!
You are!
Hurrah for our Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King.
It is!
Hurrah for our Pirate King!
King & Chorus.
Hurrah for the/our Pirate King!

When I sally forth to seek my prey
I help myself in a royal way.
I sink a few more ships, it’s true,
Than a well-bred monarch ought to do;
But many a king on a first-class throne,
If he wants to call his crown his own,
Must manage somehow to get through
More dirty work than ever I do,

For I am a Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King!

For I am a Pirate King!
You are!
Hurrah for the Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King.
It is!
Hurrah for our Pirate King!
King & Chorus.
Hurrah for the/our Pirate King!

Three little maids from school

Three little maids from school are we
Pert as a school girl can be
Filled to the brim with girlish glee
Three little maids from school

Everything is a source of fun
Nobody's safe for we care for none
Life is a joke that's just begun
Three little maids from school

Three Little maids who all unwary
Come from a lady's semnary
free from his genius tutalary
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school!

One little maid is the bride Yum-Yum
Two little maids in attendance come
Three little maids is the total sum
Three little maids from school

From three little maids take one away
Two little maids remain and they
Don't have to wait very long they say
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school

Three Little maids who all unwary
come from a lady's semnary
Free from his genius tutalary
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school!

美剧《名声大噪》中的歌曲《cheers》的歌词的中文意思Cheers (Drink To That)

Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah

Cheers to the freaking weekend
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh let the Jameson sink in
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Don’t let the bastards get you down
Turn it around with another round
There’s a party at the bar everybody put your glasses up and
I drink to that, I drink to that, I drink to that
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

Life’s too short to be sitting around miserable
People gonna talk whether you doing bad or good, yeah
Got a drink on my mind and my mind on my money, yeah
Looking so bomb, gonna find me a honey
Got my Ray-Bans on and I’m feeling hella cool tonight, yeah
Everybody’s vibing so don’t nobody start a fight, yeah-ah-ah-ah
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

Cheers to the freaking weekend
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh let the Jameson sink in
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Don’t let the bastards get you down
Turn it around with another round
There’s a party at the bar everybody put your glasses up and
I drink to that, I drink to that
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

‘Bout to hop on the bar, put it all on my card tonight, yeah
Might be mad in the morning but you know we goin hard tonight
It’s getting Coyote Ugly up in here, no Tyra
It’s only up from here, no downward spiral
Got my Ray-Bans on and I’m feeling hella cool tonight, yeah
Everybody’s vibing so don’t nobody start a fight, yeah (yeah yeah)

Cheers to the freaking weekend
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh let the Jameson sink in
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Don’t let the bastards get you down
Turn it around with another round
There’s a party at the bar everybody put your glasses up and
I drink to that, I drink to that, I drink to that, I drink to that
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

Cheers to the freaking weekend
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh let the Jameson sink in
I drink to that, yeah yeah
Don’t let the bastards get you down
Turn it around with another round
There’s a party at the bar everybody put your glasses up and
I drink to that, I drink to that, I drink to that, I drink to that
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

And I drink to that


求音乐 美剧天蝎计划第23集男女主表白音乐 歌词大概是I am your(s) i am your(s)I'm yours

美剧《迷失》第三季第六集的背景音乐,第一句tall me you love me again是哪首歌的第一句歌词?。?/h3>"Slowly" by Ann-Margret
tell me you love me again but this time slowly
'cause you're talkin' too fast, baby much too fast
Come on and squeeze me again but this time slowly
'cause I like your grasp but it's much too fast

You said that our love will grow together
'cause your mine all mine
but dynamite love won't grow an inch
If you don't take your time

Come on and kiss me again but this time slowly
Not so fast, make it last

You said that our love will grow together
'cause your mine all mine
but dynamite love won't grow an inch
If you don't take your time

Come on and kiss me again but this time slowly
Not so fast, make it last, you're talkin' too fast
Honey make it last, oh, not so fast, yeah

像为求游戏 自欺
(钟)我们要一起 必需要交出勇气
是我们自卑 不相信自己

(钟)一世一生太远 但却想永远
(方)难道我无权 难道我无缘
(钟)得一刻想永远 是我心太软
(方)如若够虔诚 如若够忘形
(合)若够定力 谁愿转