大家好,小编来为大家解答以上的问题 。光点歌词翻译,光点歌词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、歌词 相信自己的直觉从未曾改变最初的那张脸经历多少次更迭太多无法预言安静跨越迎接未来不管多遥远用特写放大着每一天每一刻都要燃烧沸点That we’ve got one life one worldSo let’s come togetherWe’ll weather the stormA rain of colors Look up to the skyWe’re all made of shooting starsWe are made to love WOO OH~We are made to love WOO OH~We are made to love WOO OH~We are made to loveWe are made to love散落着的彩笔 空白的画面依旧在那边Then I wouldOh yes I would用笔描绘现实与回忆的关联Then I wouldTrust me I would有过超越极限的瞬间经历过自己的改变走过的痕迹变成光点That we’ve got one life one worldSo let’s come togetherWe’ll weather the stormA rain of colors Look up to the skyWe’re all made of shooting starsWe are made to love WOO OH~We are made to love WOO OH~We are made to love WOO OH~We are made to loveWe are made to love生命 渺小不可思议生活 绝不轻易放弃眺望 做最真的自己 OH YEAH~明天 无论是雨或晴拥抱 让爱更有意义世界 带着爱去前进 OH~Cause we’ve got one life one worldSo let’s come togetherWe’ll weather the stormA rain of colors Look up to the skyWe’re all made of shooting starsWe are made to love WOO OH~We are made to love WOO OH~We are made to love WOO OH~We are made to loveWe are made to loveWe are made to love2、《光点》是由Rik Annema、Leroy Sanchez、Wynne Bennett词曲 。
2、NANA中文作词 。
【光点歌词 光点歌词翻译】3、肖战演唱的歌曲 。
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