A seminar on the archaeological achievements of Central China's Henan province in 2021 was held in Nanyang city from December 17 to 18 participated by archaeologists, experts and scholars from the province's archaeological departments, colleges/universities and the Archaeology Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. According to their latest exhilarating findings, the study of Xia culture (Xia Dynasty, 2,100-1,600 BC) is considered to be the spotlight of Henan's archaeological achievements in 2021.
12月17日至18日 , 2021年度河南考古工作成果交流会在南阳举行 。 来自我省文物考古科研单位、高校以及中国社会科学院考古研究所的考古工作者、专家、学者 , 汇报交流了本年度考古发掘和研究成果 , 亮点多多 , 让人振奋 。 据了解 , 2021年河南考古工作最大的亮点是“夏文化”研究 。
In 2021, Henan launched archaeological excavations at a group of Xia Dynasty sites, such as Erlitou in Yanshi, Wangchenggang in Dengfeng, Wadian in Yuzhou, Guchengzhai in Xinmi, Shaochai in Gongyi, Xinzhai in Xinmi, etc. The remains of rammed-earth walls and roads discovered at the northern edge of the Erlitou Site are similar to those found at the site's center, suggesting that the grid layout might be used across the place. Besides, other major discoveries were made, including the remains of an east-west trench and rammed-earth walls found at the Guchengcun Site in Yanshi, the remains of city walls and trenches in the Longshan Culture period (around 2,500 BC-2,000 BC) at the Wadian Site in Yuzhou, the remains of a trench in the Xia and Shang dynasties (2,100-1,046 BC) at the Shaochai Site in Gongyi, and 16 high-level tombs in the Longshan Culture period and two bronze ware pieces in the late Longshan Culture period at the Yuzhuang Site in Yexian.
年度内 , 河南组织开展了偃师二里头、登封王城岗、禹州瓦店、新密古城寨、巩义稍柴、新密新砦、叶县余庄遗址、偃师古城村等主动性考古发掘项目 , 其中二里头遗址北侧边缘区域发现与核心区类似的夯土墙和道路遗迹 , 表明二里头遗址核心区发现的网格状布局可能遍布整个遗址;偃师古城村遗址发现一道东西向的壕沟和夯土墙遗迹;禹州瓦店遗址发掘出明确属于龙山时代的城墙及城壕遗迹;巩义稍柴遗址北部发现一道夏商时期的壕沟遗迹;叶县余庄遗址已发现16座高等级的龙山时代墓葬 , 并且发现两块属于龙山时代晚期的青铜器残片 。
来源:河南日报 采访人员:陈茁 张体义 温小娟 编译:赵汉青 播音:王家琦 王君艺 审校/丁岚
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