Nicolas Cage has zero regrets about becoming the face of straight-to- VODaction movies.
尼古拉斯·凯奇对于成为VOD电影(Video on Demand , 以视频点播形式上映的电影)的代言人一点也不后悔 。
It was 2014 when the actor, one of the top blockbusterstars of the ‘90s, experienced a string of box office flops with films like "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice" and "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance."
2014年 , 作为90年代最卖座的明星之一 , 这位演员经历了一系列的票房惨败 , 比如《魔法师的学徒》和《灵魂战车2:复仇时刻》。
It wasn’t long after when reports piled up, alleging that the star, born into the Coppola film dynasty, blew his $150 million fortune and owed the IRS$6.3 million in property taxes, resulting in him taking every role that came his way just to get out of debt.
没过多久 , 报道堆积如山 , 称这位出生在科波拉电影王朝的明星挥霍了他1.5亿美元的财富 , 并欠下国税局630万美元的财产税 , 导致他后来接的每一部戏都为了还债 。
The 58-year-old, who acknowledged taking on several VOD films in recent years, is now setting the record straight.
现年58岁的他承认近年来接拍了几部VOD电影 , 现在他要澄清事实了 。
"I’ve got all these creditors and the IRS and I’m spending $20,000 a month trying to keep my mother out of a mental institution, and I can’t," Cage recently recalled to GQ magazine. "It was just all happening at once."
凯奇最近在接受《GQ》杂志采访时回忆说:“我的确欠下很多债务 , 包括美国国税局的财产税 , 同时为了避免母亲被送进精神病院 , 每个月还要花费2万美元 , 这一切都是同时发生的 。 ”
Cage said many people in his life advised him to consider filing for bankruptcy. However, he refused to do so.
凯奇说 , 他身边很多人都建议他可以申请破产 。 然而 , 他拒绝这样做 。
Determined to slay his bills a different way, the Oscar winner found himself appearing in numerous VOD movies.
他决定用一种不一样的方式来解决财务危机 , 于是出演了很多点播电影 。
However, Cage stressed that he never took on roles he didn’t believe in, even if those parts did help him avoid bankruptcy.
然而 , 凯奇强调 , 自己从来没有出演过自己不相信的角色 , 即便那个角色可能能够帮助他避免破产 。
"When I was doing four movies a year, back to back to back, I still had to find something in them to be able to give it my all," Cage explained to the outlet. "They didn’t work, all of them. Some of them were terrific, like ‘Mandy,’ but some of them didn’t work. But I never phoned it in. So if there was a misconception, it was that. That I was just doing it and not caring. I was caring."
“即便是我一年接4部戏 , 一部接一部再接一部 , 但我仍然需要从中找到一些什么 , 才能够全力以赴 。 其中一些电影很棒 , 比如《曼蒂》 , 也有表现一般的 , 但我从来没有敷衍了事 。 所以 , 如果说人们对我有什么误解的话 , 就是这一点了 , 很多人觉得我是为了拍戏而拍戏 , 从来没有付出真心 , 不 , 我很关心电影本身 。 ”
According to the outlet, Cage "finished paying off all his debts" a year and a half ago after signing on to appear in "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent." The film, where Cage stars as a fictionalized version of himself, received raved reviews at the recent SXSW Film Festival.
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