重阳节 英文 重阳节英文单词

小伙伴们好,最近小编发现有诸多的小伙伴们对于重阳节 英文这个都颇为感兴趣的,那么小编今天就来为大家梳理下具体的一些信息一起来看看吧 。

重阳节 英文 重阳节英文单词

1、The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the
2、The first day of the first lunar month in China is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Double Ninth Festival is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
3、这是中华民族的传统节日 。
4、In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for
5、blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.
6、古代有登高祈福、秋赏菊花、穿山茱萸、祭神祭祖、办寿宴等民俗 。
7、So far, it has increased the connotation of respecting the elderly, having a high banquet on the day of the Double Ninth Festival and thanking the elderly. Inherited to this day,
【重阳节 英文 重阳节英文单词】8、Appreciation of the autumn and gratitude for respecting the elderly are two important themes of todays Double Ninth Festival.
9、爬山赏秋和感恩敬老是今天重阳节的两个重要主题 。
10、Go to the heights.
11、Chongyang Festival first has the custom of climbing high. In September, the golden autumn, the weather is high and refreshing. This season, climbing high is expected to achieve the goal of relaxation and happiness, fitness and disease elimination.
12、首先,重阳节有爬山的习俗 。金秋九月,天高气爽 。在这个季节,爬山远眺,可以达到放松身心、健身祛病的目的 。
13、Chrysanthemum appreciation
14、The Double Ninth Festival has always had the custom of enjoying chrysanthemums, so it has been called Chrysanthemum Festival since ancient times. September of the lunar calendar is commonly known as Chrysanthemum Month, and a chrysanthemum meeting is held on the festival. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the Three Kingdoms, Chongyang has been drinking and appreciating chrysanthemums and making poems. In ancient Han customs, chrysanthemum symbolizes longevity. Double ninth festival,