突如其来的新冠疫情让各国疲于应对 , 给全球的经济造成了重创 。中国在防疫方面付出了巨大的代价才控制住疫情,经济率先恢复 。让不少国外网友惊叹,同时,也有人提出质疑 , 英国网友:中国是不是在贸易中进行了欺骗?


China's foreign trade exceeded 6 trillion U.S. dollars for the first time in 2021, despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.Official data shows the total trade in goods amounted to 6.05 trillion U.S. dollars, up 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars from a year ago.ASEAN, the European Union and the United States are China's three major trading partners.
尽管受到 COVID-19 大流行的影响 , 中国的对外贸易在 2021 年首次超过 6 万亿美元 。官方数据显示 , 货物贸易总额达6.05万亿美元,比上年增加1.4万亿美元 。东盟、欧盟和美国是中国的三大贸易伙伴 。

China's imports and exports expanded 13.3 percent year on year to 6.2 trillion yuan in the first two months of 2022.Both exports and imports continued double-digit growth during the period, surging 13.6 percent and 12.9 percent from the same period of last year, respectively.
2022年前两个月,中国进出口总额为6.2万亿元,同比增长13.3% 。期间进出口继续保持两位数增长,同比分别增长13.6%和12.9% 。

China's becomes the first to recover from the pandemic and transported products from daily necessities to electronics and medicines to marketplaces around the world.China has put a lot of resources and sacrificed a lot in the fight against the pandemic. Finally, it managed to recover from the pandemic and managed to do trade with other countries.
中国成为第一个从大流行中恢复过来的国家,并将从日用品到电子产品和药品的产品运送到世界各地的市场 。中国在抗击疫情中投入了很多资源,付出了很多代价 。最后,它设法从大流行中恢复过来,并设法与其他国家进行贸易 。

China has many advantages in producing products with favorable prices.China is rich in labor resources. Chinese people are hard working. China has a good manufacturing industries system.China has invested a lot in technology and innovation. China acts in accordance with international rules and regulations.It's foolish to think that China's growth in foreign trade is because of cheat.
中国在生产价格优惠的产品方面具有许多优势 。中国劳动力资源丰富 。中国人很勤劳 。中国有良好的制造业体系 。中国在技术和创新方面投入了大量资金 。中国按照国际规则和规定行事 。认为中国的外贸增长是因为欺骗是愚蠢的 。

为什么英国人会拿鸦片来骗中国你想多了,书上都是站在中国的立场讲的历史,在清朝时期,鸦片在国际上都是自由贸易,不仅仅是中国人吸食,包括鸦片最大贸易国英国人也吸食,所以当时的鸦片只是作为一种药物在交易,而且当时的清朝主动要求进口鸦片 , 原因是当时的鸦片是爆税收 , 能充足清朝国库,后来雍正皇帝发现鸦片对人体有害,要求禁止销售鸦片,那个时候世界上也是中国人第一个意识到鸦片存在危害的,但是鸦片在中国已经泛滥,整个局面几乎无法控制局面,英国人避开检查 , 从印度走私到中国,所以雍正才下令要求林则徐虎门销烟,这一行为自然要得罪英国人,后来英国人要求提出赔偿,并惩罚林则徐,遭到雍正拒绝 , 所以才爆发的鸦片战争!
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