为什么中国那么怕日本,日本女生和日本男生( 三 )

?可能是嫉妒和无奈 。中国正处于日本80年代时的境地,但它肯定不会在与美国的贸易战中妥协投降,也不会签署自杀式的广场协议 。
? this may be Americanized stupidity. Many Japanese regard their country as Hawaii. I mean, the United States has conducted two nuclear tests in this country, but today 67% of Japanese still appreciate the United States. "Japan is one of the most pro american countries in the world."
?这可能是美国化的愚蠢 。许多日本人,都将自己的国家当作是夏威夷 。我的意思是 , 美国在这个国家进行了两次核试验,但今天67%的日本人对美国仍持赞赏态度 。“日本是世界上最亲美的国家之一 。”
The Japanese are not only the most Americanized Asians after the Filipinos, but also have 23 US military bases on the land (partly supported by Japanese taxes). The US president can impose tariffs on me, threaten to expel his illegal immigrants to my country, or ask for another 8billion dollars to maintain the above military bases, but still worship him. The Japanese think I am basically an American, but I am not an American citizen. So I should hate what America hates.
日本人不仅是继菲律宾人之后美国化程度最高的亚洲人,而且土地上还有23个美国军事基地(部分由日本的税收支持),美国总统可以对我征收关税,威胁要把他的非法移民驱逐到我的国家,或者要求再提供80亿美元来维护上述军事基地,却仍然崇拜他 。日本人认为我基本上已经是美国人了,只是不是美国公民 。所以我理所应当讨厌美国讨厌的东西 。
? it can be attributed to the arrogance of Western democracy. They feel that even under this democratic rule, Japan will face the same problem in 2021 as in 1991 (that is, 30 years of stagnation). At least I have "freedom", no matter what it means. I can elect a prime minister every four years, so I am free. Those who cannot vote are barbarians who need light. They have been brainwashed by democracy under American hegemony.
?可能源于西方式民主的傲慢 。他们觉得 , 即使在这种民主的统治下,日本在2021年面临着与1991年相同的问题(即30年的停滞),至少我有“自由”,不管这意味着什么 。我可以每四年选举一次首相,所以我是自由的 , 那些不能投票的人是需要光明的野蛮人 。他们已经被美式霸权下的民主洗脑了 。
Once, as an evil empire, Japan could not defeat China, nor did it eventually surpass the United States as a potential superpower in the 1970s and 1980s... But Japan will not give up, but will continue to attack China in any way, even if it is the lackey of the United States. For China, it is no longer a threat, so it has decided to become a disgusting pest.
曾经作为一个邪恶帝国,日本无法击败中国,也没有在70年代和80年代最终超越美国成为一个潜在的超级大国……但日本不会就此罢休,而是会继续以任何方式攻击中国,即使它是美国的走狗 。对中国来说,它不再是一种威胁,所以它决定成为一种令人厌恶的害虫 。


People tend to answer this question from the perspective of pure ideology, because the influence of Japanese culture makes Japan look perfect. Ancient Japan must have envied China; Modern Japan seems completely indifferent to China, because they still believe in their own advantages; I suspect that in the next 20-40 years, it will be difficult for them to go further under the shadow of China, and there will be obvious signs of jealousy again.
人们倾向于从纯意识形态的角度来回答这个问题,因为日本文化的影响使日本看起来很完美 。古代日本肯定嫉妒中国;现代日本对中国显得完全漠不关心,因为他们仍然相信自己的优势;我怀疑在未来20-40年,他们将很难在中国的阴影下走得更远,再次出现明显的嫉妒迹象 。