为什么中国那么怕日本,日本女生和日本男生( 五 )

有趣的问题 。在日本生活的几年里 , 我注意到日本人对中国普遍存在着一种毫无根据、普遍奇怪的优越感 。但是,现在你提到它,细想这可能确实是一种内心的嫉妒 。
Most people here know nothing about their own history, let alone how much China has influenced the cultural evolution of Japan (taking their writing system as an example). Life here is generally quiet. Most people focus on their own work and family, and basically know nothing about the nature of some international political events. Basically, all their ideas were instilled directly into them by textbooks, the media and their superiors.
这里的大多数人都对自己的历史一无所知,更不用说中国对日本的文化进化有多大的影响了(以他们的书写系统为例),这里的生活总体上很平静,大多数人都专注于自己的工作和家庭,而对一些国际政治事件的性质判断基本一无所知 。他们的所有观念基本上是教科书、媒体和上级直接灌输给他们的 。
Japan envies China. Why? China has more resources than Japan, and many of them have not even been fully developed. China has a wide range of beautiful scenery, from extremely high mountains and huge plateaus to broad and magnificent rivers (such as the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River), to large deserts (Gobi and Taklimakan, to the lush subtropical valleys of Yunnan and Sichuan, to the beautiful scenery of Hunan, Sichuan and Guizhou (where many Western films, such as avatar, were filmed), extending from north to south to the east coast.
日本嫉妒中国 。为什么?中国比日本拥有更多的资源,许多资源甚至还没有完全开发出来 。中国拥有广袤的美景,从极高的山脉和巨大的高原到宽阔壮阔的河流(如长江三峡) , 再到大片的沙漠(戈壁、塔克拉玛干再到云南和四川郁郁葱葱的亚热带山谷,再到湖南、四川、贵州美丽的风景(在那里拍摄了许多西方电影,如《阿凡达》),从北到南一直延伸到东海岸 。


China has a very rich history and culture, more than any other country, especially Japan. All Japanese culture, including some languages, comes from China. This includes folklore. Fairy tales, calligraphy, brush paintings, operas, musical instruments, religion (Japanese Shinto comes from Chinese Taoism) and philosophy.
中国有着非常丰富的历史和文化,比任何其他国家都要丰富,尤其是日本 。日本的所有文化,包括部分语言都来自中国 。这包括民间传说 。童话、书法、毛笔画、歌剧、乐器、宗教(日本神道教来自中国道教)和哲学 。
For some time, Japan was significantly ahead of China in modernization, weapons and military strength. But now the situation has reversed. China's bullet trains are faster than Japan's Shinkansen, and its railway network is the largest in the world, and it is still expanding. China has the world's first maglev train (between Shanghai Pudong International Airport and the city center).
有一段时间,日本在现代化、武器和军事实力方面大幅度领先于中国 。但现在形势已经逆转 。中国的子弹头列车比日本的新干线快 , 其铁路网络是世界上最大的,并且还在不断扩大 。中国拥有世界上第一列磁悬浮列车(介于上海浦东国际机场和市中心之间) 。
The most painful thing for Japan is that it was replaced by China as the second largest economy in terms of GDP. In 2010, Japanese Internet users almost collapsed, but as time went by, they became accustomed to it.
对日本来说,最痛苦的是,它被中国取代,成为GDP排名第二的经济体,2010年时,日本网民几乎崩溃,但随着时间流逝 , 他们也就习惯了 。