Wang Zhongdi, a 72-year-old well-known oil painter in Guiyang, has enjoyed painting since his childhood. After that, he focused on sketching and has insisted on painting.
贵阳72岁知名油画家王忠弟自幼喜画 , 注重写生 , 从1954年迷上了画画 , 从此就一发不可收拾 , 一直画到了现在 。
His works have recorded various city landmarks such as Guiyang Railway Station, Jiaxiu Building and Riverside Park, showing the landscape and humanities of Guizhou in various eras, and showing the changes and development of the times from multiple perspectives.
其作品刻画入微地记录了贵阳火车站、甲秀楼、河滨公园等各类城市地标 , 展现了各个年代的贵州山水风光、人文风情 , 多角度记录展现了时代的变迁与发展 。
Guanshan Lake Park (Jinhua Lake) 观山湖公园(金华湖)
The Painter Wang Zhongdi 画家王忠弟
Wang Zhongdi became a member of the China Artists Association in 1985 and won the Self-education Award of Guizhou Province in 1988. He was included in the Chinese Art Dictionary in 1992. And he has participated in many exhibitions both inside and outside the province and won numerous awards for his various works.
王忠弟曾于1985年成为中国美术家协会会员 , 1988年获贵州省自学成才奖 , 1992年编入《中国美术辞典》 , 各类作品曾多次参加省内外展览 , 并屡屡获奖 。
The train station and the surrounding area in the 1970s.
20世纪70年代的火车站及周边情况 。
Shachong Road into the city direction
The situation around Qing Yun Road (painted in the 1970s).
青云路及周边情况(画于20世纪70年代) 。
The Jiaxiu Building in the 1970s.
20世纪70年代的甲秀楼 。
Reporter: Chen Long
Editor: Gao Xin
【|72岁画家,“笔耕”52年记录贵州发展变化】Senior Editor: Wang Luyao
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