
A video of a Guangzhou middle school student singing Cantonese opera has gone viral. Her name is Lin Qiyi, a girl who likes Hanfu clothing, folk music, opera and history.
近日 , 一位广州中学生演唱粤剧的视频爆火网络 。 她叫林启仪 , 一个喜欢汉服、民乐、戏曲、历史的女孩 。

She has been learning Cantonese opera since she was a child. Whenever she has some free time, she continues to practice Cantonese opera singing.
她自小与粤剧结缘 , 在家上网课的间隙 , 她也在不断学习粤剧演唱 。

Speaking of her future goals, Lin said it is not easy to carry on traditional culture, but she will stick to it.
谈及今后目标 , 林启仪表示传承传统文化不易 , 但她会一直坚持下去 。
Let's give a thumbs up to this girl with a dream to pursue.
来源 | 羊城晚报?羊城派
责编 | 吴安琦