
The largest tri-colored glazed pottery figurine ever found in Luoyang city of Henan province has made its debut at the Sui-Tang Dynasties Grand Canal Cultural Museum recently.
近日 , 在隋唐大运河文化博物馆二楼展厅 , 一件重磅展品——洛阳出土尺寸最大的三彩俑 , 被摆入独立展柜 。 这是该文物自出土以来首次公开亮相 , 其背后还有一段不为人知的故事 。
【河南|双语说河南丨“天王”驾到!洛阳出土尺寸最大三彩俑首次公开亮相】The Heavenly King-themed figurine looks like a man from the Northern or Western barbarian tribes in ancient China, who wears a gold crown and armor, with his left hand clenched into a fist and raised high, right hand on his hip and a foot stepping on a ghost. With his mouth wide open, the Heavenly King glares at the apparently-overpowered ghost.
这件三彩俑为“天王踩小鬼”造型 , 天王面似胡人 , 头顶金冠 , 身披铠甲 , 左手握拳高举 , 右手叉腰 , 将一只小鬼踩在脚下 , 造型十分威武 。 它怒目圆睁 , 嘴巴大张 , 好似正在对小鬼大声呵斥 , 而它脚下的小鬼面目狰狞 , 卧作挣扎状 , 显然已被天王制服 。

Tri-colored glazed pottery figurines are not a rarity for Luoyang locals, except this one, because of its height – 1.2 meters, the largest one ever found in Luoyang. Besides, it is vivid and rich in details, which is really a masterpiece.
对于洛阳人来说 , 三彩俑并不是稀罕物 , 而这件三彩俑之所以称得上重磅展品 , 在于其罕见的尺寸——它的高度达到惊人的1.2米 , 为迄今为止洛阳出土尺寸最大的三彩俑 。 此外 , 这件三彩天王俑造像生动、细节丰富 , 称得上三彩中的精品 。

This pottery figurine was discovered in a tomb of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in Luolong district of Luoyang, which had been broken into hundreds of pieces when unearthed but was later pieced together by restorers, said staff from Luoyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. Apart from it, a number of large tri-colored glazed pottery beasts and Heavenly Kings were also discovered.
市文物考古研究院工作人员介绍 , 这件三彩俑是在洛龙区一座唐墓中发现的 , 出土时已碎裂为数百片 , 后经文物修复师耐心拼接 , 得以恢复原貌 。 除它之外 , 墓葬中还出土多件大尺寸的三彩镇墓兽、天王俑等 。
中文来源/洛阳网 采访人员/刘嘉仪 编译/赵汉青 审校/张军平
责编:孙振恒 审核:贺心群