Liang Shixiong, a 90-year-old painter from Lingnan, has been practicing art over 50 years.
90岁高龄的岭南画家梁世雄 , 从艺超过半个世纪 , 一直奉行“亲临现场”的创作理念和方法 。
He traveled to the famous mountains and rivers of China and witnessed the magnificent development of China in more than 70 years.
他游历祖国名山大川 , 以丹青笔墨见证新中国七十多年的壮阔发展 。
His paintings cover the gorges of the Yangtze River, the clouds of Mount Huang, the coconut trees of the South China Sea... Step into Liang Shixiong's studio and feel the charm of art.
他笔下的山水跨越了长江的江峡、黄山的云霭、南海的椰树……一起走进梁世雄的画室 , 感受艺术常青树的魅力 。
来源 | 羊城晚报?羊城派
责编 | 谢哲
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