
Dragon boat traditions with a history of more than 1,000 years were staged by Liwan Lake in Guangzhou recently.
近日 , 传承千年历史的龙舟习俗在广州荔湾湖畔上演 。


The dense water network of Liwan has bred rich dragon boat folk culture. "Raising the dragon" is an important part of dragon boat culture. The whole ceremony includes praying for good luck, cleaning and decorating the dragon boat and so on.
荔枝湾水网密布 , 孕育了丰富的龙舟民俗文化 。 “起龙”是龙舟文化的一个重要组成部分 , 整个仪式包括祈福、起龙船、清洗和装饰龙船等多个环节 。

"The dragon boat was built in the 1930s and has a history of nearly 100 years," said an old man at the scene. Check the video and follow the Dragon Boat Festival activities!
现场一位老人说:“这条龙舟是建于上世纪三十年代 , 有近一百年历史了 。 ”跟随视频来看端午系列活动!
来源 | 羊城晚报?羊城派
责编 | 谢哲