
1.在绿荫下的简介The plot concerns the activities of a group of church musicians, the Mellstock parish choir, one of whom, Dick Dewy, becomes romantically entangled with a comely new school mistress, Fancy Day. The novel opens with the fiddlers and singers of the choir—including Dick, his father Reuben Dewy, and grandfather William Dewy—making the rounds in Mellstock village on Christmas Eve. When the little band plays at the schoolhouse, young Dick falls for Fancy at first sight. Dick, smitten, seeks to insinuate himself into her life and affections, but Fancy's beauty has gained her other suitors, including a rich farmer and the new vicar at the parish church.
The vicar, Mr. Maybold, informs the choir that he intends Fancy, an accomplished organ player, to replace their traditional musical accompaniment to Sunday services. The tranter and the rest of the band visit the vicar's home to negotiate, but reluctantly give way to the more modern organ. Meanwhile, Dick seems to win Fancy's heart, and she discovers an effective strategem to overcome her father's objection to the potential marriage. After the two are engaged secretly, however, vicar Maybold impetuously asks Fancy to marry him and lead a life of relative affluence; racked by guilt and temptation, she accepts. The next day, however, at a chance meeting with the as-yet-unaware Dick, Maybold withdraws his proposal; and Fancy, simultaneously, has withdrawn her acceptance.
The novel ends with a humorous portrait of Reuben, William, Mr. Day, and the rest of the Mellstock rustics as they celebrate the couple's wedding day. The mood is joyful, but at the end of the final chapter, the reader is reminded that Fancy has married with "a secret she would never tell" (her final flirtation and brief engagement to the vicar). While Under the Greenwood Tree is often seen as Hardy's gentlest and most pastoral novel, this final touch introduces a faint note of melancholy to the conclusion.
2.绿荫下的作品简介评论界认为这部小说是哈代其他著作的前奏 。1872年,哈代的导师贺拉斯·莫耳把《绿林荫下》称为“田园小说”(prose idyll) 。由于相对欢快轻松,不像哈代的其他小说具有悲剧的结局,也使得这部小说与众不同 。欧文·豪(Irving Howe)认为,此部小说是哈代其他悲剧小说的必要序曲 。2005年被改编为电影 。
3.星梦天使的简介【姓名】:月岛希良梨 【别名】:月岛星琉 【英文名】:Kirarin/Kirari 【日文】:月岛きらり 【性别】:女 【生日】:10.23 【星座】:天蝎座 【年龄】:14岁 【血型】:O型 【身高】:157cm 【事务所】:村西事务所 【经纪人】:云井霞小姐(艺名:星野霞)原来也是受欢迎的偶像,因为东山事务所,放弃了做偶像,成为希良梨的经纪人 【宠物】:小猫小奈,是个天才猫咪,充当着希良梨母亲的角色,总是和希良梨形影不离 【家人】:爸爸(料理超棒),奶奶(是宙人的超级FAN),昂哥哥(在美国发展) 【简介】: 月岛希良梨是个非常活泼开朗的超级美少女,虽然经常被风真宙人叫做笨蛋,有时做起事来莽莽撞撞,但却有着一颗非常美好的心灵,有着让所有支持她的FANS都会有幸福美丽的笑容的愿望,希望成为大家只是看着她也会感到快乐的偶像,并为这点而不停不停地做着努力,她似乎具有让大家都为她着迷的魔力 。
最初,希良梨偶遇超强人气组合SHIPS的日渡星司,并对他一见钟情,因为不想放弃好不容易才遇到的喜欢的人,她在SHIPS的演唱会上大声宣布:“我要成为偶像!” 希良梨进入了SHIPS所属的事务所,并在自己的不断努力和他人的帮助下,不断的成长,成为了受人喜爱的TOP偶像,而且还在不停的向前走 。而在感情方面,日渡星司似乎一直没有感觉到希良梨的感情,而原本反对希良梨喜欢星司的另一个SHIPS成员风真宙人现在认可了希良梨,并帮助希良梨与日渡星司进一步发展 。