倒带的英语单词怎么写( 二 )

希望您满意 。
3.求英文翻译一下《倒带》我自己议的 have had enough of waiting for your so-called arrangementHow long how long to come in the endYou always want me to behave slowly plan for the futureI would like to rely on but you are not in theZone should be happyYou give all of which are blankA person can not find Renpei holiday a daze I see the seaI think you should be aware that they have been unable to enterYou say to me hurt me is really hard to forget even* Love * not return at last to take things too many obstacles before us,But can not relax your hands crying and begged me to stayFinally take things too many obstacles before us love will never come backBut can not relax your hands and begged me not to leave rather unpromisingYou always want me to behave slowly plan for the futureTo say how long the future in the end comeHow to arrange the past, you should trustMy tears have been fallingLook at my pale face that slow down memoryIn the past, Sweet rewindJust feeling no longerOver the past you have to expect from me again and again brokeWere in pieces and how many pieces to put together with the weight toFinally take things too late Love will never come back and you are always awareLast minute words cried and begged me to stay openFinally take things too many obstacles before us love will never come backBut can not relax your hands and begged me not to leave rather unpromisingwoo。
* Finally take things love will never come back * And you are always too late to understandLast minute words cried and begged me to stay openFinally take things too many obstacles before us love will never come backBut can not relax your hands and begged me not to leave rather unpromisingLeave。Lala。
Bid farewell to the love of the pastAnd begged me not to leave 。
4.一到二十的英语单词怎么写one [w?n]
two [tu:]
three [θri:]
four [f?:(r)]
five [fa?v]
six [s?ks]
seven [?sevn]
【倒带的英语单词怎么写】eight ['e?d??n]
nine [na?n]
ten [ten]
eleven [??levn]
twelve [twelv]
thirteen [?θ?:?ti:n]
fourteen [?f?:?ti:n]
fifteen [?f?f?ti:n]
sixteen [?s?ks?ti:n]
seventeen [?sevn?ti:n]
eighteen [?e??ti:n]
nineteen [?na?n?ti:n]
twenty [?twenti]
first [f?:st] 第一
second [?sek?nd] 第二
third [θ?:d] 第三
fourth [f?:θ] 第四
fifth [fifθ] 第五
sixth [siksθ] 第六
seventh [?sev?nθ] 第七
eighth [eitθ] 第八
ninth [nainθ] 第九
tenth [tenθ] 第十
eleventh [i?lev?nθ] 第十一
twelfth [twelfθ] 第十二
thirteenth [θ?:?ti:nθ]第十三
fourteenth [?f?:?ti:nθ] 第十四
fifteenth [fif?ti:nθ] 第十五
sixteenth [siks?ti:nθ] 第十六
seventeenth [?sev?n?ti:nθ]第十七
eighteenth [?ei?ti:nθ] 第十八
nineteenth [?nainti:nθ]第十九
twentieth [?twentiiθ] 第二十

