
1. 英语里问“ 。怎么样?”最常见的表达为“What/How about 。?” 。
此外,用于询问对方“你认为 。怎么样”的表达方式有如下几种:
1. What/How about 。?
2. How/What do you think of/about 。?
3. How do you like…?
4. What do you think of…?
5. What's your opinion about…?
6. What's your view/outlook on…?
7. What's your attitude towards…?
8. How do you feel about…?
2.请教英语高手,这样的话用英语怎么说1. To improve my English learning.
2. To know the different cultural background between countries.
3. To share the joy got from movies and music with others.
【这样的用英语怎么说】4. To make the aquaintance of the top students in English in our school and make friends with them.

