
1.关于会见故友的英语作文"Charlotte pains“ were happy twist drama first launched in 2012.Former beauty queen of autumn held a grand wedding is, like the autumn when I was a student of charlotte looked around success of old classmates, faintly sour taste in the heart, with seven points slightly drunk make the wedding, even to wife dong-mei ma field, while he was asleep on the toilet after the vent.He returned to the campus in the dream, to pursue his beloved girl, smile more disappointed mother, even become omnipotent pop superstar 。Let life slip past them in, he found that people are using their, only dong-mei ma is the most worth to cherish.
《夏洛特烦恼》是开心麻花2012年首度推出的话剧 。昔日校花秋雅的婚礼正在隆重举行,学生时代暗恋秋雅的夏洛看着周围事业成功的老同学,心中泛起酸味,借着七分醉意大闹婚礼现场,甚至惹得妻子马冬梅现场发飙,而他发泄过后却在马桶上睡着了 。梦里他重回校园,追求到他心爱的女孩、让失望的母亲重展笑颜、甚至成为无所不能的流行乐坛巨星…… 醉生梦死中,他发现身边人都在利用自己,只有马冬梅是最值得珍惜 。

