
1.回访客户英文邮件该如何写Dear AAA,
【客户回访英文应该怎么写】This is BBB from CCC 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。..
Any question,please feel free to contact me.
Thanks & Best Regards!
2.有些老客户好久都没有联系了,现在要我们写英文回访信,怎麽写啊We are currently offering xxx % discount for returning customers like you. Please call me today at xxxx to take advantage of the limited time offer. Attached is our latest catalog for your review.
We are looking forward to doing business with you again soon.
3.【老客户英文怎么说This company is our regular customer.这家公司是我们的老客户.She has been a client of our bank for ten years.她已经成为我们银行十年的老客户.You have quite a lot of regular customer so far as I know.据我所知,你们有许多老客户.We always dislike refusing requests of any kind from regular customers,but regret we have no choice but to do so.我们一贯不愿拒绝老客户们提出的任何要求,但遗憾的是我们别无选择,只能拒绝上述请求.Additional Words and Phrasespolicy-holder保险客户potential clients; expected income.可能的客户;预期收入.Salespeople visiting their accounts.推销员拜访了他们的客户A creditable customer.一个信誉卓著的客户I call up a client.我打电话给客户.Our customer is very select.我们的客户是精心挑选的. 。

