
1.英语文学评论怎么写写critical essay是有固定的格式,特别是第一段和最后一段,分析中也需要quote原文,如果楼主从来没写过,会相当棘手.
Itroduction: the introduction of a critical response essay follows a"funnel" form. the first sentence is a general introduction to your essay. it may identify the literature you will be discussing and general theme of the material. the last sentence is your THESIS STATEMENT (main idea/main point you wish to prove/you decision about the essay topic/literary devices to be discussed/etc.)for your essay.
Body paragraphs: Each paragraph of your essay will support different parts of your thesis statement - the different points you wish to make in your essay. the beginning of each body paragraph requires a TOPIC SENTENCE that (1)introduces the main idea of the paragraph, (2)connects back to the thesis statement(because each paragraph supports and develops an idea from the thesis statement),and (3) connects the paragraph with the paragraph just before it. make sure that the idea you communicate in each sentence connects to the idea of the previous sentence.DONT JUMP AROUND WITH UNCONNECTED IDEAS.
Conclusion: the conclusion of your essay is written in a "reverse funnel" the opposite to your introduction. the first sentence of the conclusion specifically summarizes your THESIS STATEMENT but it must also connect to your last paragraph so remember to use transitions. the conclusion then moves from the specific to the general, ending with a broad statement about the literature and/or its theme.
2.哪有对文章的英文评论《角斗士》的英文评论 Great Story! Great Writing! Great Acting! Great Directing! Great Score! This movie has it all. I especially enjoyed the mood of the film. Even though it has a lot of action, there is a subtle elegance throughout the picture that gives it great style. The movie flows effortlessly from scene to scene, while at the same time creating wonderful intensity and nail-biting excitement. The acting in the movie more than lives up to expectations. Russell Crowe is brilliant in his role as Maximus, the "general who became a slave, who became a gladiator, who defied an emperor." Crowe's intense style is perfect for the relentless determination and confidence of Maximus. Joaquin Phoenix is equally wonderful in his role as Commodus, the corrupt emperor. He plays a great villain because he is able to give Commodus depth by showing certain vulnerable or fragile sides, while at the same time instantly transforming to let the ruthless nature of his volatile character shine. It also helps that Joaquin has the classic Caesar look that works perfectly with his role. Connie Nielsen is also very good as Lucilla. However, perhaps the two finest performances in the movie were given by a couple of acting veterans in supporting roles. Richard Harris and Oliver Reed were exceptional in what will be remembered as crowning achievements at the end of their careers. Harris was perfect as Marcus Aurelius, the aging Caesar who reflects upon his life and contemplates how the world will remember him. And Reed, especially, gave my personal favorite performance in the movie as Proximo, the trainer for the gladiators. The way he spoke about the life of a gladiator, the splendor of Rome, and the "thrill of the Coliseum" really added excitement and anticipation during the viewing of the movie. Gladiator is filled with many memorable moments that one would need to see more than once to fully appreciate. The excitement felt for me when Rome is first shown in all its wonder and marvel is my favorite scene. But the whole movie is a rush! Hans Zimmer provides the absolute perfect score to capture the different moods in the movie. Ridley Scott sets the perfect tone with his artistic and creative directing. I would recommend it to anyone who can stomach intensity and enjoy an epic story for the ages. Next to Braveheart, this movie is the greatest of all-time! 。