
读音:英 [dri?m] 美 [dri?m]
n. 梦;梦想 v. 做梦;梦想
作“梦想”解时可用于“dream of+ v -ing”结构 。
双语例句:His dream of becoming an artist has been fulfilled.
他成为一个艺术家的梦想实现了 。
1、a dream 轻而易举
2、dream about( v.+prep. ) 梦想 , 向往 , 渴望
3、dream away( v.+adv. ) 在梦幻或胡思乱想中虚度光阴
4、dream of( v.+prep. ) 考虑 , 会做得出(某事)
5、dream on( v.+adv. ) 痴心妄想
读音:英 [a?'di??l] 美 [a?'di??l]
释义:adj. 理想的;完美的;空想的;观念的
n. 理想;典范;目标
She 's looking for a job, but hasn't found her ideal yet.
她在找工作 , 但是还没有找到理想的 。
1、ideal weather 理想天气
2、feasible ideal 可能实现的理想
3、high〔noble〕 ideal 远大〔崇高〕的理想
4、ideal of peace 和平的理想
释义:梦 , 睡梦 , 梦想 , 理想 , 愿望 , 梦幻状态 , 恍惚 , 出神 。
1、have a dream
2、fulfill a dream
3、pursue a dream
4、realize a dream
5、dream interpretatio
6、dream holiday
7、dream home
1、have a dream
例句:I have a dream that is a daydream
翻译:我有一个梦想 , 那是一场白日梦 。
2、fulfill a dream
例句:Just as I thought that I would not be able to fulfill this wish in this year a surprising travel plan came and made my dream came true
翻译:正当我以为今年可能实践不到这个心愿时 , 一个突如其来的旅行安排却让我的梦想成真了 。
3.关于梦想的英文作业怎么写Schoolmates, you will know future world? One imagine! That listens to me to vainly hope for the future. Future book, will certainly be may pronounce, the guidance, the character, the words and expressions, the sentence, be able to give you to explain, has met until you. This will reduce teacher's work load, will cause teacher excessively to be no longer tired; The automobile definitely is may fly, solar, moon's light can charge for it; The television did not use the remote control, so long as you said that looked which channel the program, it could trade Taiwan automatically. Let alone went to school, a slide led to the school, as soon as sat, could arrive at the school before long, if wanted to let its slow spot, that pressed presses turns, the slide changed has been rough, but might also above the slide a tin of music, hit the game. The daily life, that cancould dispute. For instance clothes, may adjust temperature automatically, at the same day is hot, it will decrease temperature, we will not suffer heat-stroke. The day is cold, it will raise the temperature, we will not catch cold. Eats thing, only then a tabloid size, eats one piece, one month did not need to eat other thing. Schoolmate , I vainly hoped for that the future will be the dissimilarity which and you will imagine?
每个人都有自己的梦想 , 每个人的梦想都如诗如画 , 我的也一样 , 如果我有足够的钱和时间来时下你为的梦想 , 我会去周游世界 。我要到希腊爱琴海那暖暖的海湾潜水 , 我要潜入海底的深处然后躺在那里 , 静静的看着头顶上蔚蓝的水面就像仰望星空一样 , 鱼儿会像鸟儿一样会从我的头顶飞过 , 海星会在我的身边安静的睡觉 , 我要到亚哈拉沙漠中去骑骆驼 , 我要参加那里的骑骆驼比赛 , 我要到美丽的大草原去 , 去感受那里无边的风情 , 我要骑着俊美的马儿在无边的草原上尽情驰骋 , 我要睡在那青草中嗅着清香的味道然后沉入梦乡 , 我要到南极去 , 去和那里可爱的企鹅拥抱 , 我要到那高山上去去和那雄鹰、白云为伴 。等我老了 , 走不动了 , 我会回来 , 回到我的家乡在那里盖一所房子 , 养一群可爱的小动物 , 种很多很多的花 , 栽很多很多的桃树 , 然后在那里度过我安静的晚年 。在我就要离开人世的时候 , 我会用我的钱设立一个基金用来帮助那些拥有梦想却难以实现的人去实现他们的梦想 , 我要让更多的人实现自己的梦想