
1.涌入大城市这个话题的英语四级作文怎么写City Problems Nowadays,millions of migrant workers flock into cities in search of jobs and better living 。
However,with the sharp rise in the urban population,many problems arise in the development of cities 。Firstly,cities become more and more crowded,putting much pressure upon transportation,housing,sanitation,education,employment and so on,City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point 。
Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit a huge amount of carbon dioxide ,leaving the aire mercilessly polluted 。What is more,the city is also threatened by an increase in crime 。
There is not a single day passing without the report of someone being robbed ,kidnapped or even murdered 。last but not least,city-dwellers are not only separated from the nature but also isolated from each other,even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbor 。
All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city 。More and more people may seek to live in the suburbs if there isn't any improvement 。
2.";多元文化的涌入";用英语怎么说多元文化的涌入:the flowing in of the multiculturalism 。
涨潮潮水的涌入:the flowing in of the tide 。多元文化:multiculturalism多元文化社会:multi-cultural societyIn his speech at Lianhe Zaobao's 75th anniversary gala dinner on September 6, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong said: "In Singapore, we have evolved our own unique formula of a multi-racial, multi-cultural society 。
9月6日晚,在《联合早报》75周年报庆晚宴上,吴作栋总理在致词里提及:“在新加坡,我们已经为多元种族、多元文化的社会发展出自己的一套独特的方程式 。Secondly, those of us who are Chinese-educated are fully aware that although Chinese is the largest ethnic group in Singapore, we are a multi-racial, multi-cultural nation, and our future Singaporean culture will never be purely Chinese 。
二、具有华文教育背景的人,也清楚明了,我们是多元民族、多元文化的社会,将来我们的文化,不可能是单纯的中华文化,虽然华族人数占大多数 。Singapore is a multi-racial country with several languages and cultures 。
Ethnic Chinese account for 75 percent of the population, but their native language is not proportionately important or useful 。我国是多元种族、多种语言、多元文化的国家,以人口来论,虽然华人占总人口的了75%,但是华文的重要性和实用价值,并不成为正比例 。
If the University of Auckland in New Zealand can have a Department of Translation Studies, surely Singapore, with our claims of being a multi-cultural and multi-lingual cosmopolitan city, do not want to be left behind, do we? 如果纽西兰的奥克兰大学能设一个翻译系的话,那我们新加坡这个多元文化、多元语言的大都会总不能落在人后吧 。
3.以大量外国人涌入中国好为主要内容用英语写一个简短的paragraph,There is a noticable phenomenon that catches people's attention in our country:Great number of foreigns poured into China which worries somebody that this may pose a drawback upon our country.However,in my point of view the effect could be opposite:Not only can these international friends enhance the relationship between us and western coutries but also boost our knowledge about exotic language and culture--it is mutual.Let me give a simple example.A lot of Chinese know a specific American who known as DaShan.He has typical American looks-Blonde hair and tall nose and is also the very first man who often shows up on screen in every ordinary Chinese families and gives many people their primitive inspiration of learning or traveling the beautiful country of America.Who can deny the fact that this man has greatly evoked the communication among our country and others?As this process continuously evolve,I believe that more and more person like DaShan would comes up and eventually build a bridge of understanding between us and other country.Thorough the world all the conutries should be united together to build a greater civilization.As I believed,this kind of phenomonon can be a part of this effort--for a better world.正好最近在学英语,顺手写了吧…… 。