1.我要去加拿大,出国计划怎么写学习计划的要点有:简洁并详细地描述有关计划学习的领域,包括研究方法,和研究的应用范围 。
说明主管教授的名字和他/她的专业领域 。说明即将进行此项研究的学院名称和系部名称 。
一般来说学习计划书可以按照提交目的分成两类,给大使馆申请签证用的,或是给学校申请录取用的 。用来申请学校的学习计划从本质上讲和个人陈述是同一类型的文书,关于学校申请类的学习计划书可以参考个人陈述方面的文章,这里主要说的是提交大使馆签证用的学习计划书 。
欧美国家,特别是移民国家,如法国,澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大等国针对留学生签证的时候往往要求提供学习计划书,通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,配合审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件 。总的来说,学习计划书需要包括以下几方面内容 。
1、简单说明自己的学习经历,专业背景及工作经历;2、说明自己进一步求学的动机及为什么选择该国、该大学与该专业;3、详细的留学时间安排;4、介绍留学所需资金及来源;5、对未来职业目标的阐述,留学后回国的理由 。由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,一般不应超过800字,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,如 My Choice of University of Toronto in Canada ,My career objective 等 。
学习计划书的重点部分是未来的职业计划和留学后回国的理由,通过这一部分来告诉大使馆您到该国留学后,确实能够对您的职业发展有良好的帮助,并且有可信有力的理由学成归国 。虽然要求学习计划书的国家往往是移民国家,但是由于您申请签证的理由是留学,因此通过学习计划书一定要消除您任何移民倾向 。
回国理由要结合您个人的背景经历和家庭情况给出很合理的解释,如一位拥有多年商业经历的经理获得去新西兰读商业管理硕士课程的机会,那么阐明他的职业目标是回到中国成为一名跨国公司的高级经理人,而他在中国多年积累的客户资源和社交圈是一笔非常宝贵的财富,这就是非常强硬并合理的一条回国理由 。特别需要注意的是,学习计划书中关于回国理由等涉及事实论据的地方,不能任意编造 。
学习计划Study plan : I plan to study for the Mater Degree of Marketing in the University of xxx which last for two years. Because I believe my condition and qualification are suitable for the courses requirements. Matriculated in The University of XXX smoothly has proved the university also believes in my ability of completing my study without difficulties. Moreover, all of my accomplishments in the field of marketing within 10 year would be my good preparation for my further study. I am very confident that my experience would help me succeed in my post-graduate study. To study marketing needs solid English foundation. Although I have been keeping learning English these years and already have a very good English foundation, I still reckon that my English will be improved if I pay much attention to learn it in an English speaking country. Therefore, I prepare to complete half a year's English courses before my study of master courses and take IELTS in Canada as well. 把上面那段英语的忘了 这里的开始 仅供参考 加拿大使馆对签证中的学习计划有明确要求,为申请者提供了充分的空间阐述或自己的所有情况 。篇幅一般要求1-2页,所写内容必须涵盖以下几点:1、why you wish to come to Canada to study at the school and in the program for which you have been accepted; 2、what is your overall educational goal; 3、why you are not pursuing less expensive alternatives in China (what are those alternatives? Have you investigated them?) 4、What ties do you have to china that will lead you return to china following your course of studies; 5、How will this Canadian diploma/degree increase your chances in the Chinese labour market? Dear Sir or Madam: To assist in your review of my visa application, I'd like to elaborate on what beyond my choice of McGill University and Cornell University as the right place for my future education. I hope my statement will help you reach a favorable decision on my particular case. I applied to McGill and Cornell because the academic environments they provide agree with my own interest. McGill, founded in 1821, is one of the most venerable institutions in Canada while Cornell stands among the eight Ivy League Schools. Both emphasize the traditional values and cultural diversity. As a versatile girl from a traditional Chinese family, I will surely enjoy the warmth and friendliness of the humanistic environment McGill and Cornell boast. It also adds to their program of Bachelor of Commerce a unique feature that other institutions can not compare. Earlier this year, recognizing my。
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