
1.小学四年英语备课怎么写前几日对eec英语四年级《Can You Play Baseball?》一课进行了教学分析,并撰写了一篇教学设计,现提出以下几点教学反思: 1.教学过程中,游戏环节设置的比较少,课堂气氛不够活跃 。
2.应加强学生的自主学习能力,适当加入小组合作学习 。3.适当增加现代化教学工具,提高教学效率,达到教学效果最大化 。
根据以上教学反思,现提交一份新的教学设计 《Can You Play Baseball?》教学设计 一、教学目标: 1. 知识目标:通过本节课的学习,使学生知道一些相关词汇,掌握 单词gloves, baseball, bat,及Can you----? Yes, I can. No, I can't 句式的用法 。2. 能力目标:本节课通过小组合作,师生互动,情景描述等形式,让学生能熟练运用所学单词及句式 。
培养学生自主探究学习的能力,并提高学生语言的实际运用能力 。3.情感目标:在教学过程中,注重学生的心理变化,努力营造轻松、愉快的学习氛围.帮助学生克服紧张心理,并及时给予学生肯定与鼓励,让其树立自信心 。
通过小组合作,培养其合作精神,促进学生健康人格的发展,达到人文教育和素质教育的双重目的. 二、重点:学习使用“What's that? …” “What are they? They are….” 三、难点: “Can you …? Yes , I can./ No, I can't.”以及在实际生活中的应用. 四、教学过程: (一) 导入 课前热身和日常口语练习;复习各类运动名称 (二)新授 Words: bat/glove/gloves/baseball A .利用简笔画进行单词教学 B.利用句子进行单词教学 Sentences: Can you play ? Yes,I can. No,I can't. A.利用情景进行举行教学 B.跟读录音矫正发音 (三)复习巩固 A . What can you play ? I can play…. B . Pass the ball 传球 Say the sentences C . Hit the ball.say the sentences. D. Sing a song (四)总结 Today we've learned so many kind of the balls .You all did a good job .So shall we play after class ? 《Can you play baseball?》教学实录 一、热身 T: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, coco! T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. And you? T: I'm fine, too. What day is it today ? Ss: It's Tuesday. [评:教师通过日常生活用语的问答,自然地创造了英语语言氛围,使学生很快地进入到英语语言学习的情境中来 。] 二、导入 T: (Taking some word-cards) Now, look at me. What's this? S1: Library. T: Very good. Together, what's this? Ss: Library. T: Well done. But how to spell? Ss: L—i—b—r—a—r—y. (Then, review the words “ride\ bike\ violin \piano \read ” in the same way. ) T: What do you do after school ? S1: I play the piano. S2: I read an English book. What do you do after school? S3: I ride my bike. (Then, Ss ask and answer by each other. ) T: OK, class, please ask me . Ss: What do you do after school? T: I read an English book. [评:复习环节教师从词汇复习入手,并适宜地将词汇复习扩展到常用句型的复习中来,将二者有机地结合起来,真正做到了英语语言学习的‘词不离句’的认知规律 。
学生的积极参与,体现了教师驾驭课堂的能力 。] 三、新授 T: Shh… Look there, (point to the screen of a computer) I play… Ss: …play table-tennis T: Great! Do you want to know what kind of the ball Ken plays ? Ss: Sure/Yes. T: Let's study a new lesson----Lesson6(1). (Blackboard Writing) (Ss look at the computer about the content of L6(1)) T: (T puts some kinds of balls on the wall and points to them) Look there, what's that ? Ss: It's a volleyball. Girls: It's a basketball. Boys: It's a football.(table-tennis) ( Girls ask and boys answer .) T: (T puts 3 cards on the blackboard and points to one of them, asks…) Now, look, what's that ? S: Bat. T: Good. (Blackboard writing—Bat.) Read after me, “bat”. ( Read it one by one.) Together, please spell it . Ss: B-A-T, bat. (Learn another 2 words “baseball \glove” in the same way. ) T: (T takes two gloves) OK. Look at me, “one glove” “two gloves” Girls: Gloves. Boys: Gloves. T: What are these? ( Waving two gloves ) They're gloves. ( Blackboard writing ) [评:新知传授环节,教师给学生一个整体的感知的教学思路,让学生了解学习的全过程及学习的知识,使其能灵活地把握学习的主动权,从而充分体现了素质教育的宗旨 。