
1.求大家帮我写一篇关于旷课的英语式检讨I am very sorry !
beause my grandpa is ill and I have to look after him.
There is little time to tell you.But I have asked one to tell you what happened to me.Don”you know?
My father has advised me to be careful,and I know I am really wrong.But I am sure that I will not against the rules again!
2.求高手帮我把这个旷课说明翻译成英文 拜托 不能错啊 因为要交给老师Turbine seven class store * * for four times by English teacher is absent from school for a close-up cannot to take an examination that is absent from the four times and three times no reason only once is please the fake but now really repentant and guarantee to the teacher this low-level mistakes to sleep after will not happen on my body features the explanation to hope to be able to get the teacher forgiveness
Add: I thought since is for English the teacher's explanation only write in English to show small hao is really repentant sincere intention so specially baidu a day request and complete the translation expert at the teacher can see in that small hao this really repentant sincerity can forgive small hao this ignorance before the behavior thanks teacher
3.急需一篇英文版的旷课检讨Today, I keep in mind sorry and ashamed write down this self-criticism book with regret to you, to say to you me to cut class this kind of badly behavioral deep understanding and the decision that do not play truant any further.
Be used as a student, originally should obey the discipline, but I break the law disorderly Ji's truancy. again, my this kind of behavior results in still between the school classmate very and bad influence, break the image of the school.Of the classmate originally should study each other, promoting each other, but I this kind of express, taking a bad head to the classmateses, disadvantage's constucting the teacher in the atmosphere of a school that the school and the hospital fasten is to very concern us, taking good care of us,So if I want to hear the teacher from now on, well appreciate to comprehend the teacher to our request, and guarantee can't Be having the similar affair occurrence.hope the teacher to the opportunity that I turn over a new leaf.the teacher hope we become the pillars of the society, arriving the teacher through this affair my deep impression very sorry and ashamed with I this kind of mood that corrupts the atmosphere of a school, make my mental state, I too thank teacher to me this time deep education.
I honestly accept the animadversion. will also further go deep into the summary for all these I, deep self-reflection, I guarantee hereafter no longer without cause cut class!Plead the teacher believes I can remember the precept and correct the mistake
Examine person XXX
The day of the exergue
4.谁帮我写写旷课检讨书1000字(英文的)急需翻译起来有点困难 。
Dear XXX,
我是你的学生:XXX 。今天我怀着愧疚和懊悔给您写下这份检讨书,以向您表示我对旷课这种不良行为的深刻认识以及再也不旷课的决心 。
I am one of your student. My name is XXXXX. I am very sorry to write this report to you. I am aware of what I did is very bad and I have made up my mind not to do it again.
早在我踏进校门,老师就已三申五令,一再强调,全校同学不得旷课 。但是我还是无故旷课 。关于旷课的事情,我觉得有必要说一说 。事情的经过是这样的: 。。。。。。(说明旷课的经过和原因) 。。。。。所以,我选择了旷课这种行为 。虽然我知道这种行为也是不对的,但是我还是做了,所以,我觉得有必要而且也是应该向老师做出这份书面检讨,让我自己深深的反省一下自己的错误 。
对不起,老师!我犯的是一个严重的原则性的问题 。我知道,老师对于我的无故旷课也非常的生气 。我也知道,对于学生,保证每堂课按时上课,不早退,不旷课是一项最基本的责任,也是最基本的义务 。但是我却连最基本的都没有做到 。事后,我冷静的想了很久,我渐渐的认识到自己将要为自己的冲动付出代价了 。老师反复教导言犹在耳,严肃认真的表情犹在眼前,我深为震撼,也已经深刻的认识到事已至此的重要性 。如今,大错既成,我深深懊悔不已 。深刻检讨,认为在本人的思想中已深藏了致命的错误:思想觉悟不高,本人对他人的尊重不够,以后我将对老师有更多的尊重.对重要事项重视严重不足 。平时生活作风懒散,如果不是因为过于懒散也不至于如此 。为了更好的认识错误,也是为了让老师你能够相信学生我能够真正的改正自己的错误,保证不再重犯,我将自己所犯的错误归结如下: