
1."笨蛋"英文怎么说笨蛋的英文:idiot,读音:[??di?t] 。
idiot英 [??di?t] 美 [??di?t] n.白痴,傻瓜,笨蛋 。
1.You should have done that yesterday you idiot!
2.There was silence for a moment, then Larry began chortling like an idiot.
先是一阵沉默,然后拉里像个白痴似的呵呵笑起来 。
3.I told you not to listen to him. He's an idiot.-I was orange!
4.I'll kill you if you threaten one of those kids again! Idiot!
idiot记忆技巧:idi〔o〕个人,特殊 + ot …人 → 特殊的个人 → 白痴 。
(1)ass英 [?s] 美 [?s]
n.屁股;驴子;愚蠢的人 。
(2)blockhead英 [?bl?khed] 美 [?blɑ:khed]
n.傻瓜,笨蛋 。
(3)fool英 [fu:l] 美 [ful]
n.愚人,傻瓜;受骗者;有癖好的人;受愚弄的人 。
2.求高人把这小段中文翻译成英文1. Through this course, I have learnt that in order to learn English well, you need to improve your self-study awareness. It's also necessary to make a scientific and effective study plan. Actually, there are many ways to make your English learning process more fun and efficient. Next, I will tell you some hints for learning English: a, you can tap into the huge amount of study resources on the internet; b, you can set up a study group with your friend to make the whole study much interesting; c, it's not a bad idea to ask teachers in time when you encounter some problems; d, it will give you the strength and courage to continue learning if you can write a report recording your study everyday; e, it will make your English very practical if you can often communicate with others with English; f. to improve your listening, you can take full advantages of recorder, broadcast, and tv shows; g, watching English movies from time to time is a good choice; h, don't rush to the dictionary without taking a guess under the context when running into some unkown words during your reading; i, writting down an outline when engaging in your essay will provide you a clear thread; j, it's a good start for improving your speaking to notice the pace, the tone, and the content during your repeating after machine and chatting with others in English.2. During the class, I found remote learning extremely difficult for me due to my weak self-discipline and improper time allocation.3. From my point of view, the 7th sector is one of the most useful articles. It has taught me to improve my listening, I must not only catch the single word, but also pay attention to the tone and pace of the dialogues.4. I hope later in this course, I can have more interactions with others. I prefer a study group after I get to know my classmates. 差不多了吧 。
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