
1.写王俊凯的部落介绍怎么写This is Wang Junkai, his singing is very good, is a musician, is a middle school student, learning is great, was the idol of many people.He is very handsome, has a black head of hair, and a pair of charming eyes.Wang Junkai band at a TF Boys,There are a lot of my records.嗯 擦不多了吧 。
2.部落冲突里部落描述怎么写更好点看你部落的等级了,一般等级低的部落强调一些捐兵数、职位之类的事,其实主要是为了带动部落活跃度 。
而高级部落不要求这些是因为大多数高级部落已经有了一定的体制,新加的高本成员也不是不懂这些规矩 。但是总体来说部落描述应该以部落规矩为主,否则遇上那些断不了奶的孩子(要兵狂),尤其是低本渣速本,你是怎么喂都喂不饱的 。
再说人家也不稀罕一般平庸的兵种,说不定玩玩就退游了,你培养这类人是很亏本的 。所以部落描述的重点就是要立规矩,要明确积极活跃多捐兵、不蹭资源(比如要兵、竞赛奖励、任务需求、部落战或联赛蹭星等等)、尽力去打而不磨洋工、不敷衍了事、不乱要职位、不乱捐兵等等 。
这些才是描述的重点 。
3.写王俊凯的部落介绍怎么写This is Wang Junkai, his singing is very good, is a musician, is a middle school student, learning is great, was the idol of many people.He is very handsome, has a black head of hair, and a pair of charming eyes.Wang Junkai band at a TF Boys,There are a lot of my records.嗯 擦不多了吧 。

