
1.美国留学生写给写父母的邀请函模版Dear parents,
How are you? It is pretty cold in XXX recently. Please take care of yourselves.
It has been 5 years since I started the PhD program in the US. Because of the intensive study and research, I have not had the opportunity to invite both of you to visit me shortly in the US. This May is my PhD graduation ceremony and I sincerely hope you can attend the event and share my joy. You can also travel a bit in the US during the stay. I will cover all the expenses in the US (including dining, lodging and etc.).
I eagerly anticipate your arrival.
2.美国留学生写给写父母的邀请函模版Dear parents,
How are you? It is pretty cold in XXX recently. Please take care of yourselves.
It has been 5 years since I started the PhD program in the US. Because of the intensive study and research, I have not had the opportunity to invite both of you to visit me shortly in the US. This May is my PhD graduation ceremony and I sincerely hope you can attend the event and share my joy. You can also travel a bit in the US during the stay. I will cover all the expenses in the US (including dining, lodging and etc.).
I eagerly anticipate your arrival.
邀请人的公民证/美国护照/美国签证复印件等体现邀请人长期居留美国的证件;说明收入情况、职务及其受雇时间的工作证明或学校就读证明信,最近的六个月的工资单,反映最近六个月以来日常收支状况的银行证明,美国签证的拒签率是比较高的特别是单身年轻女性 。如果你的朋友有去过其他国家护照不是白本还好点,还有财产证明最好提供齐全,房产证,行驶证和5万或者5万以上的存款证明等 。
4.美国留学生给国内亲属发邀请函需要什么资料就提供一封说明国内亲属去做什么的(去美国的目的,停留周期)的邀请函就可以.但是国内部分申请签证时要准备许多材料 。
一. 护照
二. 2寸彩色照片一张(最近六个月内拍摄的为佳)
三. 旅行费用的资金证明:15万人民币.银行开具存款证明书(原件);或能够反映存款历史的储蓄经历的证明,如个人存折复印件,存单复印件 。
四. 子女所读学校开具的在读证明(I-20和证明信)
五. 学生护照主页及留学身份证页复印件
六. 学生所写中英文的邀请信(最好提供邮寄信封)
七. 父,母亲收入证明(含公司或单位准假信息)
八. 亲属关系公证(必须是原件)
九. 户口本复印件
十. 身份证复印件(父母)
十三.父母自办公司的可提供营业执照复印件和其他相关的商业证明文件.这其中包括(但并不限定)税收收据,公司小册子,进出口运输文件,合同,广告资料和相关图片等等 。
十四.如果可能,父母双方也可以提供房产证及汽车行驶证的复印件,个人名片等 。
5.外国人邀请函怎么写+外国人邀请函怎么写Dear Sir(给那位)
i am (a personal assistant to the Executive Mayor这里写上你是谁). we are planning to invite (a soccer team in South Africa for the 2010 World Cup Soccer写上邀请什麽).
this letter will be addressed to (the footbal federation in Hong Kong信会寄去那).
our aim is to (set up a base camp and for the officials to accept our invitation to evaluate our facilities.写上目的)
yours faithfully