
1.negative things 的中文谐音音译歌词【things的中文怎么写】不知道你能否看懂 忽忽~写的我头昏= = Listen baby 离森 卑鄙 I wonder why sometimes we fall apart。
oh yeah 爱玩的外撒么星唯发哦啊怕特.. 哦也 Together we are so wonderfull………… yeah baby 涂改则儿唯啊搜玩的否 。
耶北鼻 And every single day i pray, that really things shouldn't never be this way 暗的爱无瑞星勾带爱普瑞,在特瑞力星死书扥特奈我必贼死为 Im only trynna be a better man so baby 爱母欧林踹那比阿百特儿慢搜北鼻 Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?外怎读友洗傲则乃个体悟星死,因蜜?Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be 考斯傲爱爱物儿杜意思踹吐比,傲在特爱砍比 Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me 个偶有弄有儿航听密,傲则星死有普瑞吐密 As i lie at night im imagining things, how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me 爱死爱赖艾特奈特爱母饮麦之应星死,好伊特又死吐比,个偶由弄有儿航听秘 What am i to do with a broken heart 沃特爱母爱吐杜维斯阿不揉肯哈特 All the time everybody say that you and me are over 傲则太木爱无瑞巴迪赛在特有暗的密啊偶我儿 But i know were meant to be together for eternity 巴特爱弄我儿米恩特土比土盖泽尔否儿因特儿尼替 Was it untrue what we promised eachother?我死伊特按出我特唯普绕密司一吃啊则 Baby my heart keeps telling me 北鼻买哈特课普死太另觅 That it shouldnt be this way forever 在特伊特书灯特比贼司为否爱我儿 Im only trynna be a better man so baby 爱母欧林踹那比额百特儿慢搜北鼻 Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?外怎读友洗傲则乃个体悟星死,因蜜?Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be 考斯傲爱爱物儿杜意思踹吐比,傲在特爱砍比 Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me 个偶有弄有儿航听密,傲则星死有普瑞吐密 As i lie at night im imagining things, how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me 爱死爱赖艾特奈特爱母饮麦之应星死,好伊特又死吐比,个偶由弄有儿航听秘 What am i to do with a broken heart?沃特爱母爱吐杜维斯阿不揉肯哈特 Girl remember when, we made our promices?个偶瑞曼波儿闻,唯没的偶啊儿普绕迷死 That we would be together through-out every single thing 在特唯伍的比涂改则儿死如奥特爱无瑞星勾行 Now im only trynna be a better man, but you've never noticed that 闹因奥林踹那比额百特儿慢,巴特有无乃沃尔闹替司在特 Girl i truely love, to be around you 个偶爱出里辣无,吐比阿让的有 And baby ill give you anything you want me to 暗的北鼻爱偶给吾有安妮星有网特密吐 Cos i know this might be hard for you 考斯爱弄贼死麦特比哈德否儿有 And i know that we will be yeah 暗的爱弄在特唯喂偶比 耶~ Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?外怎读友洗傲则乃个体悟星死,因蜜?Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be 考斯傲爱爱物儿杜意思踹吐比,傲在特爱砍比 Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me 个偶有弄有儿航听密,傲则星死有普瑞吐密 As i lie at night im imagining things, how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me 爱死爱赖艾特奈特爱母饮麦之应星死,好伊特又死吐比,个偶由弄有儿航听秘 What am i to do with a broken heart 沃特爱母爱吐杜维斯阿不揉肯哈特? 。
2.7things中文歌词I probably shouldn't say this 也许我不该说这些But at times I get so scared 但最近我一直有些害怕When I think about the previous 当我想到我们这之前Relationship we shared 共有的关系It was awesome but we lost it 那很美妙但我们丢失了它It's not possible for me not to care 我无法不关心这些And now we're standing in the rain 现在我们站立在雨中But nothing's ever gonna change 但什么也无法改变Until you hear, my dear 直到你听到这些,亲爱的The 7 things I hate about you! 我最讨厌你的七个地方The 7 things I hate about you, oh you 我最讨厌你的七个地方You're vain, your games, you're insecure 你虚荣,你不负责,不牢靠You love me, you like her 你爱我却也喜欢她You make me laugh, you make me cry 你让我笑,又让我哭I don't know which side to buy 我不知道该如何是好Your friends, they're jerks 你的朋友们,他们都是混蛋When you act like them, just know it hurts 当你和他们变得一样时,你伤到了我I wanna be with the one I know 我想和我认识的那个你在一起And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do 我最痛恨你的地方You make me love you 是你让我爱上了你It's awkward and silent 现在有些尴尬,有些寂静As I wait for you to say 我等着你对我开口What I need to hear now 我现在想听到的Your sincere apology 是你真诚的道歉When you mean it, I'll believe it 当你说出口,我就会相信If you text it, I'll delete it 如果你发来短信,我会删掉它Let's be clear 让我们说清楚Oh, I'm not coming back 我不会回来You're taking 7 steps here 你往这里走了7步The 7 things I hate about you! 我最讨厌你的七个地方The 7 things I hate about you, oh you 我最讨厌你的七个地方You're vain, your games, you're insecure 你虚荣,你不负责,不牢靠You love me, you like her 你爱我却也喜欢她You make me laugh, you make me cry 你让我笑,又让我哭I don't know which side to buy 我不知道该如何是好Your friends, they're jerks 你的朋友们,他们都是混蛋When you act like them, just know it hurts 当你和他们变得一样时,你伤到了我I wanna be with the one I know 我想和我认识的那个你在一起And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do 我最痛恨你的地方You make me love you 是你让我爱上了你And compared to all the great things 和那些会花很多时间去写的That would take too long to write 华丽的东西比起来I probably should mention the 7 that I like也许我该提提我最喜欢你的7个地方 The 7 things I like about you!我最喜欢你的7个地方 Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's 你的头发,你的眼睛,你的旧李维斯牛仔裤When we kiss I'm hypnotized 当我们亲吻时我几乎失去意识You make me laugh, you make me cry 你让我笑,又让我哭But I guess that's both I'll have to buy 但我这些都愿意接受Your hands in mine 你牵起我的手When we're intertwined, everything's alright 当我们在一起时,一切都无所谓了I wanna be with the one I know 我想和我知道的那个你在一起And the 7th thing I like most that you do 我最喜欢你的地方You make me love you, you do 是你让我爱上了你 。