
1.英语的否定句怎么写1. 简单句中含有系动词be、情态动词和助动词时,变否定句时需在系动词be、情态动词和助动词后加not 。
如: I am a teacher.→I am not a teacher. He can help me.→He can't help me. 2.简单句中谓语动词为行为动词时,要根据时态选用do的相应形式,把肯定句变为否定句 。如: The little girl wants to go there.→The little girl doesn't want to go there. He did his work yesterday.→ He didn't do his work yesterday. 3.祈使句变否定句时,一般在句首加Don't,但Let us或Let's开头的祈使句在 Let us或 Let's后加not即可 。
如: Put them over there.→Don't put them over there. Let us go home.→Let us not go home. 4.主从复合句中,主句是I think,I believe等结构,变否定句时,形式上否定主句,实际上否定从句 。如: I don't think chickens can swim .我认为鸡不会游泳 。
5.“had better +动词原形”,变否定句时为“had better not +动词原形” 。如: You'd better go to school.→ You'd better not go to school. 6.动词不定式变否定式时,常在不定式to前加not 。
如: The teacher tells me to do it.→ The teacher tells me not to do it. 7.使役动词和感官动词(make,let,hear,see,watch等)后接省略to的不定式,此种不定式变否定句时只需在省略to的动词原形前加not 。如: I saw her work.→I saw her not work. 8.特殊形式的否定句,有以下几种: (1)肯定句含有every-的合成词时,变否定句时改为no- 。
如: Everything is ready.→Nothing is ready. (2)肯定句中含有always, usually和ever时,变否定句时改为never 。如: He is always late for school.→He is never late for school. (3)肯定句含有many,much时,变否定句时分别改为few,little 。
如: Many students know him.→Few students know him. (4)肯定句中含有still时,变否定句时应改为no longer 。如: Tom is still in bed.→Tom is no longer in bed. (5)肯定句含有both, both 。
and,all时,变否定句时应改为never,neither 。nor,none 。
如: Both of us are students.→Neither of us is a student. (6)肯定句含有nearly, almost时,变否定句时应改为 hardly 。如: Lily nearly knows him .→Lily hardly knows him . (7)肯定句含有“形容词+ enough”时,变为否定句时应改为“too +形容词的反义词” 。
如: He is short enough to reachit.He is too tall to reach it. (8)谓语动词是be,have(有)或谓语含有助动词、情态动词时,直接在这些词后加上否定词not 。如: She can swim.She can't swim. (9)谓语动词是行为动词时,要在该动词前加上do /does /did not,该词恢复原形 。
如: He gets up early.He doesn't get up early. (10)既要否定谓语动词,又要变换句中的单词 。如: He can read and write.He can't read or write. (11)用含否定意义的词或词组取代肯定句中的某些词或词组 。
如: I know both English and Chi- nese.I know neither English nor Chinese. 类似的有:ever /alwaysnever, somebodynobody,somethingnothing, everybody no one,almost hardly 9.祈使句的肯定式变否定式 (1)一般在动词前加上 don't 。如: Open the window .Don't open the window. (2)含有“Let's 。”
的祈使句,一般用“Let'snot 。”的形式,美国人偶尔也用“Don'tlet's 。”
这一形式 。加强语气时使用“Let'sdon't 。”
这一形式 。如: Let's go there.Let's not go there. 10.复合句的肯定式变否定式 一般将主句变为否定式 。
如:I saw her when I left .I didn't see her when I left. 。
2.英语的否定句和肯定句怎么写一.肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子 。
This is my pen 。
这是我的笔 。
He works in a hospital 。
他在医院工作 。
There are four fans in our classroom 。